8. She

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It's seven in the morning and Joshua walks in school alongside his best friend Matt. Wearing a dark blue shirt with his favorite jean jacket over, and his favorite pair of jeans with his hair curled at its finest, Joshua groaned as he turns to Matt who happens to be wearing a red shirt with matching converse and blue jeans that matched his eyes. "Ugh. It's too early for this!" He said dreadfully. Matt groans. "Tell me about it. This is a crime and I'm definitely not feeling this." He responds walking down the hallway. 

As the two boys walk towards their lockers, Joshua couldn't help but think about his dream he had last night. The same dream that he's been dreaming for the past three days. He smirks and remembers every little detail. He didn't know why he had this dream but he certainly didn't want to forget about it.

Joshua and Matt reached their lockers, that so happened to be next to each other. That was one of the good things they liked about this school year. "Ugh. I had this dream last night." Joshua said opening his locker. Matt perked up. "And?" He said opening his. "About this girl." Joshua continued. Matt raised his eyebrows. "Oh. Really?" He asks wanting to know more. "Who?" Matt asks.

That was the thing. Joshua didn't know who the girl was. He never met her or seen her. Joshua shakes his head. "I don't know." He replies. Matt shook his head. "Come on man. You have to know. At least remember!" He said. "See the thing is this has been happening for three days." Joshua says. Matt's eyes widened "Oh. I see now." He says "I just don't know why." Joshua says. "You don't remember a slight detail on who she might be?" Matt asks. Joshua tried to think, remembering how the girl looked but he couldn't place a finger. "Sorry man. I can't remember." Joshua said. Matt sighed. "Was it a steamy dream?" He asks. Joshua rolled his eyes playfully as he smiled. "Maybe." He replied as the two took out their books and placed them inside their lockers. "I just can't stop thinking about it." Joshua tells Matt. "Hm. Well. Maybe you'll dream about her again tonight." Matt replies. The two of them close their lockers and head towards their first period class.

Calculus. Oh how Joshua dreaded to be in that classroom. Don't get him wrong, Joshua loves math, he's certainly good at it, but with it being seven in the morning, his brain couldn't deal with numbers this early. Especially since he had that dream last night.

Joshua sat down at his desk, along with Matt sitting next to him. "Did you do the homework?" Matt asks Joshua as he opens his notebook. "Pfft. Of course I did the homework." Joshua replies taking out the worksheet that was assigned. He then waved the sheet in front of Matt. "Read it and weep." He said with a smirk. Matt snatched the paper and looked at it as he tried to copy his answers. The bell suddenly rings, indicating class is starting and Matt quickly gives Joshua his paper back.

"Good morning guys." The teacher said walking in. "We're going to start off reviewing the homework and then starting the unit of application of Integration." Joshua groaned. This was easy work for him. "Okay let's review. Question one of the homework." The teacher said, making Joshua slouch on his desk placing his hand on his chin as he tuned the teacher out.

Joshua then automatically thought of his dream last night. He then thought of her. The girl. The girl in his dream. He wondered who she was and why he dreamt of her. Joshua tried to remember her but he couldn't remember how she looked. He thought deeper and replayed everything. He saw her. She was standing with him as the two held hands and he twirled her around. She smiles and turns to him, grabbing his hand tighter and leads him somewhere. Following her they stop in a room. She turns towards him and wraps herself around him. Holding each other, Joshua grabs her chin gently and kisses her.

Without even hesitating a smile forms on Joshua's face. He continued to think of the dream as the two continue to kiss. The girl then pulls away and smiles, grabbing his face and pinching his cheeks as they rock back and forth holding each other.

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