Financial Problems

Start from the beginning

three hundred. Add it with the other pounds makes it eight hundred a week. Perfect."

"You are generous, Edmund," Patrick said.

"The girl needs her sleep," Edmund said simply. "If she wakes early on the weekends, she'll still have time for her friends in the afternoon."

"I'll step in for interviews instead of Rose tomorrow then," Patrick said.

"Please," Edmund said. Edmund picked up his cup of tea from the coffee table and took it sip. The tea was already cold and Edmund put it down in its saucer with a little clink

sigh, once again rubbing his forehead as he thought out the maths.

"It will seem odd, but I'm sure Tessa won't question it," Patrick said.

"Hopefully. If she does, just raise the offer by a smidge for moral fiber or something along those lines. Tell her to quit all her other jobs or something," Edmund said.

"I'll do that," Patrick said, nodding.

"Thank you, Patrick. I believe you said that she should be heading towards her interview soon? You should go," Edmund said. With a slight nod, Patrick left, leaving Edmund alone

with his thoughts.

The girl was too hardworking – absolutely perfect for Will. She was stubborn too and not a pushover…

Oh, Angel. Edmund was turning into one of those mother hens that planned their children's wedding before they were even dating! Edmund shuddered before taking another sip of

his cold tea – forgetting that it was cold. Frowning, Edmund put it back onto the saucer as he forgot about everything he had to do except for his son's happiness.

"I can't possibly take so much money!" Tessa argued.

"It is not much," Mr. Rockwood insisted. The man had told Tessa his name was Patrick but Tessa refused to call Patrick anything but Mr. Rockwood.

"Eight hundred pounds per week?" Tessa asked incredulously. "For only thirty­five hours?"

"Weekend have bonuses," Mr. Rockwood shrugged. "I've decided to raise it to nine hundred."

"What?!" Tessa said.

"Just take the generous offer, Miss Gray," Mr. Rockwood said. "Manning the cashier is important as well."

"I cannot possibly take so much money!" Tessa said, repeating herself.

"Nine hundred fifty."

"But!" Tessa said.

"Miss Gray, I'm adding money for your moral fiber," Mr. Rockwood said. "It is hard to find an honest person these days. What's stopping you anyways? We all have jobs so we earn money. We earn money so that we can pay for our living needs. Isn't it better to have more money than less?"

Tessa bit her lip. "I don't like earning what I don't deserve," Tessa said.

"One thousand."

"But…!" Tessa said.

"You realize that people would take advantage of this and raise it higher and higher by refusing. Are you one of those people, Miss Gray? Those people who just take advantage of a man's generosity?" Mr. Rockwood said.

"No, of course not!" Tessa exclaimed.

"Then, accept the offer!"

"Alright!" Tessa said.

And that concluded the strangest job interview Tessa had ever been to.

"I'm glad you've returned to human hours," Cecily said through the phone. Tessa was lying on her bed, staring at her white ceiling. She was holding a three­way call with Cecily and


"I'll meet you at the Institute gates in five. I don't want to waste money on phone bills," Tessa said worriedly.

"Theresa Adele Gray!" came the shrieks from Sophie and Cecily. Tessa hung up then, grabbing her bag to leave.

"Tessa!" came her mother's voice. Tessa was surprised. Her mother was usually working at that time. Tessa entered the kitchen to see her mother's worried face, holding sheets of

paper in her hand.

"Look at these bills," Elizabeth Gray said worriedly.

Tessa stared at the overall price, swearing profusely in her head. "I'm earning more now, Mother. I can pay for…"

Elizabeth shook her head. "I shouldn't be taking your money! Save it up for university or something."

"We can move to a smaller house," Tessa suggested. Elizabeth groaned.

"We can live in a motel…" Tessa said doubtfully.

"Your father and I are going back to New York."

"What?!" Tessa shouted.

"Our jobs there are still open and they offer us more money. We can send money to you that way," Elizabeth said.

"I'm coming with you! I can go to that public school…" Tessa said.

Elizabeth shook her head. "You need to stay here and live out your dreams. Ask Sophie and her parents to see if you can live with them."

"No!" Tessa objected.

"Too late," Elizabeth said sadly. "We already planned it out and everything."

"Without me?" Tessa asked in disbelief.

"Tessie… it's for the best. It's the only way we can support your schooling," Elizabeth said.

"Don't even," Tessa said angrily, storming out the door.

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