➳ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘹: 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨

Start from the beginning

By the time the sun had set, Kida started a fire and so she and the rest of the gAang could sit down and eat.

"You know, Aang and I were talking earlier," Katara starts, setting down her bowl. "We figured that there would be a better way for you guys to spend your time when Aang and I are practicing waterbending."

"Oh?" Kida wonders. She quirks her eyebrow and, out of the corner of her eye, sees Sokka tilt his head in a similar confusion.

"We thought that," Aang continues. "While Katara and I are training, you two can also train together! But, you know, on land."

"What?" Sokka demands in between bites of rice.

"Think about it: Kida, you can show Sokka how to shoot a bow and sword fight and Sokka, you can....um, learn!"

"And since you guys are such great friends now, it'll be great!" Aang exclaims excitedly.

At this, Kida nearly chokes on her food. So, clearly she and Sokka were too convincing; maybe if they survived everything, they should join the Ember Island Players.

"I, personally, would be honored to have Kida teach me her ways," Sokka gushes, to which Kida has to force herself from rolling her eyes. "Unless she refuses...."

"Oh, I gladly accept their suggestion!" Kida interjects. She shoots an exaggerated smile at Sokka before adding: "There is nothing more I would want to do than spend more time with Sokka than I have to!"


"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT," Sokka scoffs.

"What?" Kida exclaims. She and Sokka are trying to find a space for training, far enough from the river by their camp that they wouldn't distract Katara and Aang's waterbending. They enter a small forest nearby.

"If it wasn't for that stupid bet you suggested, we wouldn't have been pretending to be nice to each other, and we wouldn't have to be spending so much time training together."

"Okay, first, you chose to accept the bet," Kida points out. She reaches the middle of the forest, then turns around to Sokka, who is two steps behind her. "And, second, we don't have to actually train. Just pretend to. Like we've been pretending to like each other." Kida sits down, picks up a stick and starts whittling it with her knife to make an arrow. "So, instead of practicing sword fighting or any other type of training, we can just sit here, in silence, doing our own thing. Katara and Aang will never know."

Sokka slides down to the ground as well. "You scared I'll be better than you?" he asks, breaking their silence.

Kida looks up from her arrow. In their silence, she had managed to make three. "You just said that you didn't want to do this."

"Actually, I didn't," he counters and crosses his arms.

"Well, it was kind of implied," Kida reasons. "I guess I can teach you to shoot a bow and arrow, but I honestly don't trust you with my stuff."

Sokka groans. "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?"

"Once? And you haven't even done that."

"Oh, right." Sokka blushes. "I'm sorry."

"Apology not accepted," Kida states.

"That's not fair!"

"It just doesn't feel genuine."

"If I win, you accept the apology I just gave you. If you win, then I will genuinely apologize for throwing your bow off of Appa."

"And make me some more arrows."


Kida moves to unsheath her sword, but Sokka stops her. Instead, he picks up a stick and hands it to Kida.

"This is a stick."

"I don't have a sword and it needs to be an equal match, even if I'm fighting a girl."

"A girl who has more training than you," Kida points out. "But, fine."

"Best two out of three?"

Kida nods.

For an amateur, Kida has to admit that Sokka wasn't terrible at sword fighting (or what was supposed to be sword fighting). His stance could use some work, the attacks he used were predictable, and he definitely wasn't holding the sword - the stick - properly. Kida won the first round, easily.

Despite that, it was the determination behind every thrust, lunge or cut that proved to Kida that Sokka would actually be a good swordsman, maybe even a great one. She honestly wouldn't mind training with him; she could even see them becoming friends over time. Maybe even caring about each other. Maybe even -

Nope. Kida needs to remember to not indulge in a fantasy. She can't risk it.

Suddenly, in her daze, Sokka manages to disarm Kida, the pair looking at each other in surprise.

"I, uh, let you win that time!"

"Liar!" Sokka calls. His face breaks out into a grin. "Admit that I got you!"

Kida fights a smile. It was almost endearing, the way Sokka seems so proud of himself. "I'll admit that I was distracted and you saw an opportunity to strike."

Sokka shakes his head, but he's still smiling. "I got you!"

"Okay, fine," Kida admits. "But, at the end of the day, we both know who the best fighter is."

"Yeah, right," Sokka scoffs. "You wouldn't even be able to handle training with me."

"I think it's the other way around, but I guess there's only one way to really find out." When Sokka looks back at her confused, Kida clarifies: "We actually train together, like Katara and Aang suggested."

"You want to spend time with me, willingly?"

"That's not what I said," Kida defends.

"Well, it was kind of implied," Sokka retorts.

"Whatever. Are you in, or not?" She extends her hand.

Kida hates that Sokka was right before: she's definitely a liar, in more ways than one. She knows that the team will hate her when they find out; but, hopefully, they never have to. Even so, Kida will always know and she hates herself for it.

But one look at the stupid smirk on Sokka's stupid face was enough for Kida to want to forget about all that.

"I'm in," Sokka replies. He shakes Kida's hand. "Whatever it takes for you to admit that I'm the warrior of the group."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Ponytail."

"For the last time!" Sokka shouts, pointing at his hair. "This is a warrior's wolf tail! How would you like it if I gave you a dumb nickname like...like 'Arrow' or something!"

"That's actually kind of a cool name," Kida says. "To make it even, I'll call you 'Captain Boomerang.' Is that better?"

Sokka groans in frustration, but after hearing Kida's laugh, he smiles a bit.

Maybe Kida could live in a fantasy, just for a little while.


author's note: sorry if this chapter was a bit *angsty* but it just kinda fit, especially with kida's backstory/personal history. and i also want to take time to develop her relationships with the gAang, you know?

anyways, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

𝑯𝑰𝑫𝑫𝑬𝑵 𝑫𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑶𝑵, 𝒂: 𝒕𝒍𝒂Where stories live. Discover now