Monsieur Fauchelevent and Cosette

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Sarah's P.O.V.

"Please! We are being chased by the police for something we didn't do. Please let us in!" I say to the elderly man. Just then a police whistle goes off and Gavroche tugs at my sleeve.

"I can see their lanterns!" he whimpers, clinging tighter to me hand and pointing to the end of the street where a yellow glow can be seen. The man at the door glances and where Gavroche is pointing, before opening the door fulling and ushering us in. Once we're in the door is closed behind us and locked.

"Please come this way." We are told as the elderly man starts walking down the hall. We follow him into a room that contains a long couch and two armchairs sitting in front of a crackling fireplace. The chairs are arranged in a horseshoe shape around a rectangular wooden coffee table. The man sits in one of the chairs and gestures for us to take a seat on the long couch. After having sat down, the man lights his pipe and starts talking.

"May I ask why the police are chasing you?" He asks.

"Monsieur, you see they were chasing us for something we didn't do," I reply.

"Well, what do they think you did?"

"Two big kids were beating me and teasing me, so sh-he came and told them to leave me alone." Gavroche innocently answers, gesturing towards me.

"But why are the police chasing you for that?"

"I told them that I was his brother and they then went to attack me, so naturally I defended myself, giving one of them a broken nose and the other a black eye. They went to the police and claim that I punched them unprovoked." I explain.

"I see. Well if neither of you have anywhere else to be, I am willing to allow you to stay the night. I will also provide a meal for you if you decide to stay. Either way, it may be better for you to wait here for some time until the police have left." The man says. I look at Gavroche to see if he wants to stay or not. He looks up grinning at me and enthusiastically nods his head.

"Thank you very much, Monsieur! I am Caché." I say, extending my hand.

"Fauchelevent." The many replies grabbing my hand to shake.

"My niece, Cosette, also resides here. I hope this does not change your mind."

"Of course not!" I say.

"Very well. If you would please follow me, I will show you to your room." Fauchelevent says.

"Thank you, Monsieur!" Gavroche says as we follow behind our host, who leads us to a room with a single bed.

"Sorry that there's only one bed, but we don't have visitors often. I can bring in a spare mattress for you."

"Thank you very much. You have no idea how much this means to us." I tell the kindly man. He gives me a knowing smile before walking off.

"Are you ok?" I ask Gavroche after some time.

"mhm, but I have some questions." He says dragging me to the bed and pulling me down to sit next to him on it.

"Ok. and what might they be?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Firstly, why do you pretend to be a boy if you're a girl?"

"Well, Gavroche, when you grow up you will realise that society doesn't like women very much and treat them badly-" I start.

"Like how the men were treating me earlier?" Gavroche cuts me off. The memory of the woman who told me to dress as a boy resurfaces. Smiling sadly I nod.

"Yes, and they also do other stuff. I dress as a boy so that stuff like that doesn't happen to me." I reply. Gavroche thinks about it for a minute before asking his next question.

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