Unexpected Encounters

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Sarah's P.O.V.

I awake in the morning and quickly follow yesterday's morning routine and rolling up my poem, putting it in my coat, before trying my luck and heading out to try and find two sous. Walking the maze-like streets of Paris is dangerous, especially on your own, but I put my street smart to use so that I don't get lost. At shop sign, I turn left, at a tree that splits into three, I go right. I continue like this for about half an hour. A large mention, continue straight, an old library, left fork, a robbery right turn. Wait...a robbery? turning back I see someone, Thenardiare I think, beating someone trying to steal a passer-byes bag. I recognise Thenardiare because when I was younger he tried to persuade me into joining Patron-Minette. Deciding to intervene, I sneak up behind Thenardiare and land a punch in the back of his head, knocking him out. I watch his body fall and quickly drag him around the corner before returning to see who he was trying to rob. In front of me is a man who looks three years older than me, 19, and whose hair is starting to thin out. He kinda reminds me of someone, but I can't recall who. In his arms is a bundle, which must be what Thenardiare was after.

"Thank you, monsieur." The young man stated, he blinked a few times before saying, "Have I seen you before?"

We must have met if he recognises me, which means he probably knows me as a girl.

"N-no," I stamper. If he knew me as a girl then I can't let him know who I am.

"Sorry, you just remind me of someone I used to know. I'm Lesgle by the way." That's how I know him! He's one of the Les Amis! Realising that he was waiting for my response I quickly came up with a name.

"I'm Caché."

"Hidden? That is an interesting name."

"May I ask what's in your bag?" I ask, getting curious as to would Thenardiare may have wanted.

"Of course!" Bousset replies unwrapping the bundle. A small head pokes out of the bag and looks around with large blue eyes. A quite mew is let out of the grey tabby kitten's mouth.

"Why was that man after your cat?" I asked

"It's not my cat. I just found it and thought of bringing it home to my friend Jollly. I think that man thought that I had a bag of gold or something though." After he said this I didn't know where to go with the conversation so I stood there awkwardly. Eventually, Bousset said that he needed to go and left.

I continue on my way to the printing place that I found. On my way, I find four sous. 'Enough to print my poem and get something to eat' I think to myself. Finally, I reach my destination. A large brick building with open windows stands in front of me. It has a brown wooden door that I walk through. Inside there is a wooden table with flowers in it and a desk where a man sits reading the newspaper. I nervously approach the man at the desk, he's the same one who told me to come back when I have two sous. I clear my throat to get his attention and when I do he asks gruffly, "Do you have money?"

"Yes, right here," I respond, handing him two of the four sous that I had found.

"Very well. What would you like copied, young man?" I take my poem out of my coat and hand it to him.

"Could I please have ten copies of this?" I ask politely. He quickly looks over it before grunting a reply and walking through a door into the backroom, where the photocopiers were. While I wait, I look around the room, studying all the printings on the walls. A few minutes later the man reappears.

"We have started printing and should be finished in an hour. I presume that you would like to keep the original." He says, handing back my poem. Taking it, I nod and decide to get some food while I wait. I leave the building and make my way to the bakery that I saw on my way here. Going in a bell tinkles above the door and my sense are flooded with the smell of freshly baked bread. A baker standing behind the counter looks up at me as I approach him.

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