"I like that idea." I mumbled against his lips as he pulled me onto his lap and pulled me closer.


Mitchell and I had moved to his room a while ago, and we were now completely horizontal on his bed with him lying on top of me, placing gentle kisses on my neck. I could feel his hands starting to move down to the bottom of my shirt.

I lightly pressed against his chest, "Mitchell," I said, but he continued to kiss lower and lower. A part of me was wondering why I was trying to stop things, I'd never had a problem doing this with Connor, but that had been the nature of our relationship. I supposed I didn't want to rush things with Mitchell, because I didn't want to ruin them. After all, we had only been dating for a week and a half. I pushed away my reservations and decided to keep living in the moment, Mitchell and I only had until the end of the summer until I moved halfway across the country for college.

I knew I could no longer let it slide though after a coursing anxiety shot through mewhen Mitchell's hands traveled up under my shirt. "Mitchell," I warned again, pushing harder on his chest though, to which he did not heed. "Mitchell," I warned once more, this time with more conviction in my voice.

"Mitchell, I'm serious, stop." I said again just as his hand slid under my bra.

At that, Mitchell recoiled as if I had stung him, and I could see a shock flood his eyes. "Oh my god, Hallie, I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize- I just got carried away." He went to move closer to me, to which I reflexively and somewhat unintentionally shrunk back.

The look on his face changed from that of a shock to almost panic before settling on troubled, "Hallie, you know I would never hurt you, or do anything to you that you didn't want."

I nodded slowly.

"You're my girlfriend, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me." Mitchell added, the look on his face turning into one of sorrow.

I nodded again, this time more forcibly. I didn't know why I was acting like this, I had literally never had a problem with anything like this before, and Mitchell was the perfect guy.

"I'm sorry, Mitchell." I said as tears formed in my eyes, "I don't know what's wrong with me, I wanted to want, you know, that, but I just- I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Hallie, come here," Mitchell said softly as he wrapped his arms around me, "It's okay."

"I'm sorry," I said into his shoulder as he held me.

"It's okay, baby." Mitchell replied, rubbing his hand on my arm.

"It's probably just that time of the month, that's why I'm being like this. My emotions and hormones are all messed up." I told him as I nestled my head into the crook of his shoulder.

Mitchell leaned us back so that we were just lying on his bed with me wrapped in his arms, "It's okay, baby, it's okay." He repeated to calm me down and after a while I let myself drift off into a light sleep.

hey babes! i'm sorry it's been so long, i promise I'll update more frequently from now on, i've been thinking about entering this story into the Wattys and to do so i have to finish it by September 30th, so look forward to that!! but please finish reading this author's note it's really important.

i just don't want you all to think that what Mitchell did in this chapter is okay or normal. if you are ever kissing someone and you push on their chest to get them to stop, they should stop. you should not have to express dissent four times before they stop.

i decided to include this in the story because it is part of the plot and part of both mitchell's and hallie's character arcs, and it is something that happens in real life. i believe that literature and media should be sensitive to topics such as consent, but also should portray them to correctly show how these situations should be handled.

and using this scene i thought it would be a good opportunity to educate you all (my readers), and to reinforce to you that 'no' means no, 'i don't know' does not mean yes, 'i'm not sure' does not mean yes, 'i don't think i want to' does not mean i want you to convince me that this is okay.

IT IS OKAY TO SAY NO! and if the person you're with makes you feel any less for it, then they are not a good person and you should consider cutting them out of your life. also please let me know if i should put a trigger warning at the beginning of this chapter I wasn't sure.

i love you all and if you ever need anything, do not be afraid to reach out to me <3



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