Josh had clearly been a fluke since she instantly desired this green-eyed 'boy' asking about her Anthropologie shoes. And she'd figured that if he was like every other boy then it shouldn't take much to make him hers.

The problem was that Sebastian hadn't made it easy for her. Like, at all. He spoke to her so sincerely and transparently with no ulterior motive... all of the time. He tried nothing with her. He spent time with her with only the purest intentions. It made her both even more invested and increasingly tortured.

Early on in their friendship, one of Olivia's friends, Alexis, had suggested Sebastian was probably gay rather than uninterested in her since he was "in-touch with his feminine side" and so blind to her blatant flirting. It didn't seem like anyone really heard her, and that theory was dashed after hearing about his string of ex-girlfriends through the school's grapevine.

Thinking about it now brought a bitter laugh to her lips. It seemed Alexis' inclinations were right in a way with how Viola drooled over Duke nowadays.

Olivia jumped at the slam of the dormitory door, interrupting her feud with Sebastian and his chin hairs in her mind.

"Honey, I'm home!' Maria, Olivia's roommate, best friend, and certified pain in her ass, singsonged from their room, "I'm covering my eyes, and by the time I open them, I don't want to see any naked men frolicking around!"

Olivia walked into their room to lean on the wall outside the bathroom. The morning light was just beginning to filter through the blinds, creating abstract shapes over the furniture and carpet.

"You're in luck. He just left. Something about cleaning Ms. Harold's pool."

Maria made a disgusted noise, "On a Sunday morning? That's tough." Her backpack dropped down onto her spinny chair with a loud thunk.

Olivia just hummed in agreement as she strode over to her bed and seamlessly started folding the clean clothes that she'd left out before she'd gotten distracted with Sebastian.

His pool cleaning job was a punishment from his parents for going to London with his band without telling them. It seemed pretty merciful to Olivia, who's family might've disowned her if she'd done something like that. The privilege of divorced parents maybe?

After the Cornwall vs Illyria catastrophe, everything sped by Olivia faster than she could manage. The transition from pining for a crossdressing Viola to dating her real twin brother had been so sudden and completely unexpected that she'd just...gone with it. She certainly didn't have another option. No matter how unexpected, it was still expected that she shut up and count her blessings that the biological male in this situation wanted her.

They weren't the only new couple after the Cornwall game, as Viola fell into Duke's arms as fast as she could flick her actually very long brown hair over one shoulder.

Olivia's face scrunched as she plucked a pair of boy's boxers from her twisted up sheets. She was weary to handle them with anything but caution, even if their owner was her boyfriend.

"Olivia!" Maria had clearly spotted the article of clothing pinched between her fingers. "You bad girl."

Before Olivia could think of a response, Maria snatched the boxers from her, clearly not having the same reservations as Olivia.

"Is he not wearing underwear to clean Mrs. What's Her Face's pool?" She feigned a scandalized gasp and held back her laughter.

"Of course he is. He just started keeping extra here, that's all." She knew she should probably feel sheepish, but her mind was too preoccupied with other things. For some reason, everything about Sebastian was bothering her today, especially how imbedded he'd become in her life..literally!

you know i'm such a fool for you (Olivia x Viola)Where stories live. Discover now