Chapter Eight: The Trolley Problem

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"I'm leaving early to take these reports to the guard station," Winter told Phoebe. "Once you're done here, you're free to go meet Winter."

Phoebe nodded. "Good night. And Plague Saint?"

Winter paused by the door. "Yes?"

"Thank you."

"Uh, of course." Winter fumbled with the door handle and left the office. Instead of changing in the restaurant tonight, she was going to take a risk and change in a hospital bathroom. She had to see River before she left, and she didn't have much time to spare.

When she arrived at River's room, there was a man standing outside, peering in the window. He was notably tall, with slick gray hair, wearing a deep emerald and black business suit.

Winter glared at him. "Can I help you?"

The man shot her an annoyed look back. "Doubt it."

For a moment, Winter missed the respect and caution people gave her when she wore the Plague Saint uniform. "Then step aside so I can visit my brother."

His eyes narrowed. "You're River Pierce's sister?"

"And you are—?"

"It's none of your concern." The man gave her one last look, the kind you would give a hair found in your food, and walked away.

Winter stormed into her brother's room. "Do you know who that man outside was?"

"Well, hello to you too." River leaned over to peer at the door. "There was someone outside? No one's come in since the doctor."

"Fantastic," Winter muttered.

River laughed. "Aw, come on. You can't cheer up just once? For me?"

"You're in a hospital bed." Winter folded her arms. "For once, I have a reason to be grim."

"Oh, please. I'll be out of here in no time."

Winter sank into the chair at his bedside. "And back in the factory, where you'll catch something else?"

"Well, what else am I supposed to do? Not work?" River playfully punched Winter in the arm. "I know you want me going soft so you can finally beat me at arm wrestling, but—"

Winter rolled her eyes. "I could beat you now!"

"Well no shit, I'm on the verge of death."

"Don't let Mom hear you say that. And I thought you were going to be out of here in no time." Winter couldn't stop the barest hint of a smirk from touching her lips.

"There's a smile. Though less smug would be nice." River coughed. Thankfully, there was no blood. Not this time. "Anyway, the factory would fall apart without me."

"Yeah, I think I heard them crying when I walked by the other day." After a moment's hesitation, Winter leaned forward. "How many other people have gotten sick?"

"Not many before I left, but James mentioned a lot more guys have stopped showing up when he visited me this afternoon." More coughing. "S'alright though. Heard that Plague Saint's been giving them some new treatment. They should all recover."

Well, that was assuming the treatment worked the way it was supposed to. And assuming no one else got in Winter's way.

River's gaze shifted to the locket hanging around Winter's neck. "Seriously, though. As soon as I'm out of here, I'm kicking your ass at devil's bridge and winning that thing back."

"I look forward to it," Winter told him. "I mean, I could bring the cards sometime this week when I visit."

"Please do," River said. "It's so boring here. And everyone's as gloomy as you."

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