chapter 10

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"hazu, i'm ready to go now," y/n yelled out as she ran down the stairs.

"the two of you were talking to each other? that's so rare of you, hazu, especially you, kei." y/n eyed tsukishima while placing the bento hazuki prepared for her inside her bag. they both nodded and hummed in response.

hazuki approached his cousin, whispering few words to her before she left, "don't be surprised if tsukishima told you he already knew that we're relatives."

y/n giggled, "yeah, i expected that coming. well then, see you later hazu."

"take care," he replied.

"let's go, kei," y/n said.
"yeah okay, idiot."

the both of them didn't bother looking back as they made their way to the front door., but before they left, tsukishima glanced at y/n's cousin.

"talk to you again soon, i guess." tsukki said, making hazuki's eyes widen for a while.

"yeah sure, let's talk about it again soon."

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

the both of them started walking on their way to karasuno high, wandering and discussing about things they usually don't talk about. 

"what did you and hazu talk about while i was upstairs?" y/n asked.
"about himself," tsukishima replied.

"about hazu? what, that's rare. he doesn't usually talk about himself," y/n said, wondering why her cousin did that.

"it's related to you," tsukishima continued.

"me?" y/n asked nervously, knowing her cousin knows that she likes tsukishima.

"mhm," tsukishima hummed. "about his scar.. he got that from saving you, right?"

y/n's eyes widen 'cause she wasn't expecting hazuki to share anything related about that accident since he avoids the topic most of the time.

"hazu told you that? weird, i'm... surprised,"
"no. i knew."
"you knew what?"
"i was there when it happened."

tsukishima removed his headphones in his neck, holding it in his right hand.

what? wait, i don't remember you being there. y/n thought.

"you were there?"
"you don't fucking remember?" tsukishima stopped in his tracks. he stared at y/n's eyes, furrowing his eyebrows.

his hands started slowly gripping on his headphones harshly without y/n noticing.

"did i see you that time?"
"you did. literally before you crossed the street. do you remember the exact date when that happened?"

"no, i forgot.." she said. "i'm sorry, i really can't remember anything that day except the time when hazu pushed me to avoid getting hit," she replied.

"ah, nevermind then."

"sorry, but did i forget about something really important that day?"

"yeah," tsukishima said as he continued walking, putting his headphones back in his neck. "you forgot something really important."

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

as soon as tsukishima and y/n arrived at school, they went straight to their respective classes. neither of two bothered breaking the awkward silence between them.
y/n thought that she did something wrong while tsukki regretted the fact that he opened the topic.

y/n entered her classroom, immediately looking for her seat. she didn't care that much about interacting with someone in her class since she has her phone and she doesn't like initiating conversations with others most of the time.

class starts in 20 more minutes so she decided to use her phone for the time being.

07:42 AM
hey keiji, are you at school now?

07:45 AM
best bro ever <3
yeah, i just arrived with bokuto-san.

07:46 AM
can i ask you something?

07:46 AM
best bro ever <3

07:48 AM
do you remember the exact date when hazu and i got into a car accident, and also did something really important happen that day?

07:50 AM
best bro ever <3
i believe it was september 27. i'm not really sure if something important happened that day.

07:52 AM
alright. thank you keiji-nii!

07:53 AM
best bro ever <3
why'd you ask?

07:55 AM
i was just curious and confused at the same time. sorry for bothering you, see you soon!

07:57 AM
best bro ever <3
you're not a bother, y/n. see you soon, love you :]

07:58 AM
i love you too bye <3

anyway, september 27? kei's birthday? y/n thought.

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