~Kinderd Spirits~

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This is the continuing of the previos chapter...

(This story is located in season 1, episode 6,  before Gilbert's father passed away)


Anne woke up, it was the afternoon, she had had a really tiering night!, she had saved Minnie Mays life!...

As she made herself downstairs she found Marilla in the kitchen, both of them happily talked about the event of the previous night while Anne ate her deliciously made food.

After she had some bites of her food, Marilla told Anne the marvelous news that she could see her bosom friend again!!

Anne was so exited that she immediately ran towards Diana's house.


Gilbert was looking himself in the mirror, he was getting ready to go out.

He couldn't wait to hang out with Anne, they had been hanging out all week, and they had made plans to go to the lake of shining waters.


Anne knocked on the door of the Barry's house, she was anxious to see her dear friend.

Diana Barry came to the door and the two bosom friends hugged each other, they had missed each other dearly.

"Oh Diana how much I've missed you!", said Anne.

"I've missed you dearly too Anne", respondes her bosom friend.

"Let's go on a walk and catch op on everything!", suggested Anne.

They made their way through the woods, as they took turns telling each other what they had been up to.


Gilbert got to Green Gables, and knocked on the door.

Marilla answered the door, "oh good evening Gilbert, you must be here for Anne, I am afraid she went of to the Barry's house."

"I see...well then I guess I'll get going then, thank you Miss Cuthbert", said Gilbert feeling confused. Had Anne forgotten about their plans? Or was it all just a misunderstanding?


Diana had finished telling Anne all of what she had done through the days. It was Anne's turn.

As Anne told Diana about what she had been up to she realized that she forgot something... "oh no!", yelled Anne.

"Is something the matter Anne?"

"I had plans with Gilbert, and with all the excitement of being able to see you i totally forgot!"

Diana smiled, she knew her friend had feelings for Gilbert, even thought she didn't admit it.

"You should go and find Gilbert, we can catch up tomorrow".

Anne nodded and started running towards Green Gables to find Gilbert.


Gilbert was hurt, thinking that Anne might just have stood her up.

He started heading to his home, when for some reason he just decided to head to the lake of shining waters, this might cheer him up, he thought.


As an got to Green Gables she was disappointed to see that Gilbert had already left.

So she decided to go to his house.

When she got there, she knocked, but since there was no response, she assumed no one was there.

She was sad, and disappointed in herself, how could she have forgotten about her plans with Gilbert?, she could at least have met him a letter to let him know were she was.

She decided to check if Gilbert was at the lake of shining waters.


As Anne got to the lake, she was relieved to see a raven haired boy sitting near the lake, but as she got closer she realized he looked sad.

"Gilbert?", Anne called him.

Gilbert was taken by surprise, "oh hi Anne..."

"Gilbert I know I've apologized to you a lot this past few days, and I am really sorry...again, I didn't mean to forget our plans, I just was overwhelmed that I was able to see Diana again, and I forgot about you.", Anne said guilty.

Gilbert smiled, "no worries....would you like to accompany to a dance?"

Anne smiled and agreed.

And so they both danced together under the moonlight, just like kindred spirits...

A/N: hope you liked this story!

Please comment on new ideas, I'd love to write about something you ask for!

I'll also be working on doing an other book, which will be about how I imagine the continuing of "Anne with an E"...I've read many of those, so I am going to try and write different stuff so that it isn't so similar to the others, it's called "Soul Mates."

Also a big thank you to the readers, i know that you are only like 5 readers, but it really means to me!

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