~No Carrots~

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What if Gilbert was late to school the day that Anne was being bothered by Billy?

(This story is located in season 1, episode 3)

It was a fine morning when Anne Sherly-Cuthbert was headed to school. She had gone off to a rough start, since she said something really wrong about Prissy Andrews, but it wasn't her fault she had gone through so much.

While she was making her way to the school she was thinking on what she was going to to differently than the day before, because the first day had gone awfully wrong!

She was almost at school when she heard a threatening voice, Billy Andrews...


Mean while a young curly raven haired boy, named Gilbert Blithe, was late for school.

He was making breakfast for his father, whom was terribly ill, but because he isn't what you might call a "great cook", there might have been a little mishap in the kitchen...

As soon as he made sure his father had everything he needed, he headed straight to school as fast as he could.

Billy seemed mad, which made Anne a little scared.

"I heard you said some nasty things about my sister the other day", Billy said.

"I-I am sorry I didn't mean to..."

"I don't care if you didn't mean to, you hurt but my sister, and now, you are going to pay"

Anne was so scared at this point, that she decided to make a run as fast as she could to the school house.

"Hey come back!", shouted Billy and ran after Anne.

Luckily Anne was fast, and since she caught Billy out of the blue, she was able to out run him.

When she got to the school house, she was pounding so hard that Diana got worried and asked what happened.

But Anne decided not to make a fuss about what had happened and decided to respond saying: "I didn't want to get late, that's all". And with that they sat down for an other boring lesson with Mr. Philips.

A few minutes later, there was a hard noice at the door, that interrupted the class, and made everyone, including Anne, turn to look at the door.

It was Gilbert.

Mr. Philips, mad that his class had been interrupted, but knowing the circumstances of young Blithe, decided to say coldly: "Take a seat please, open your book on page 187", and with that Gilbert took his usual seat next to Charlie Slone.

As Gilbert took a seat he noticed a red-headed girl at the front of the class, confused of who she was he decided to ask he's classmate about her.

Charlie explained that she was named Anne, that she is an orphan girl, adopted by the Cuthberts, and that she was quite odd girl, compared by the others.

But for Gilbert she wasn't odd, she was something else, something that he couldn't quite explain in words, it was like a feeling, a feeling that he hadn't felt before... but suddenly that feeling was interrupted by an other not so good feeling, it was a scared feeling, he got that often, ever since he herd his father was ill, he couldn't bare to think in loosing him, he was all he had left.


It was lunch time and Anne made her way to her spot at the girls little refuge in the school house.

But when she got there Josie Pye said that she wasn't allowed to seat there and that she should find an other place to eat.

Anne was mad, and kind of sad to get to such a rough start, she decided that she would eat her lunch outside, next to the lovely river.

Gilbert was asked a tons of questions, about his trip with his father, and how was he doing.

The thing was that the more he was asked those questions, the sadder he got. And suddenly he was about to cry, since he didn't wanted his friends to see him like that he went off to the river, were it would be quiet to think about stuff.

When Anne got to the river she found a sad boy, so she just said: "Oh I see I am interrupting you, so I'll get out of your way".

Gilbert looked up and said: "Don't worry, you are not interrupting anything".
"Ok, well than if it's ok, i guess I'll take a seat".

After an awkward silence Anne spoke up... "What a delightful river isn't it?, it gives you such scope for imagination".

Gilbert responded with a questioning, yet surprised smile: "Well yes, it is quite pretty".

Anne smiled and asked shyly: "Why did you come here? I-I mean you seem to be liked by a lot of people here, why are you here by yourself?".

"I came here to think"

"About what?", asked curiously Anne.

Gilbert didn't talk about his father with anyone, but for some reason he felt comfortable talking to Anne about it: "Well I came here to think about my father, you see he is very ill at the time...a-and I am afraid to lose him".

Anne sighed, feeling sorry for him and said: "I am really sorry", and that is all she could say.

Gilbert smiled and looked at Anne for a wile before he looked at the river again.

Some time had passed, but nether of them talked about anything else,they were lost in their thoughts, but they were happy to have company, and Gilbert was happy to share his feelings to someone, and Anne was happy to have a friend.

The bell rang and they went inside the school house again, satisfied with a happy feeling that they had one and and other.

It was a start of a new friendship.

A/N: Hi guys! Thank you for reading, and please comment what you think about this story.

This book is about stuff that could have gone differently in the series of "Anne with an E" (witch is amazing btw).

Also please comment on ideas for the stories!!

More stories coming soon!!!

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