Harley nods.

"And who are they?" Rose asks. Leo, Tasha, and Harley turn around to see the three bionics trying to leave.

"They are... staff!" Tasha responds. "Big house."

"Staff?" Rose questions. "Oh, Tasha. Still so lazy."

"And you are still so –" She stops as she receives a glare from her mother. "My mother."

Rose chuckles before turning to Adam. "So what do you do?" She asks.

"Well, I collect rocks, I lift heavy things, I chase bugs." He replies.

"Adam is our chef," Tasha says.

"And who are they?" Rose asks, looking between Bree and Chase.

"Bree is my personal trainer. And Chase is –"

"That's Harley's boyfriend." Adam says as Tasha says, "Leo's nanny. Man-nanny. Manny."

Harley's eyes widen and then send Adam a glare. "Yep. That's my boyfriend." She looks over at Chase for help. He slightly nods as he walks over to her and grabs her hand.

"Aren't you a little young to be a manny?" Rose asks.

"Aren't you a little young to be a grandma?" Chase counters.

"Oh, I like him." She tells her daughter.

Tasha goes to help her mother get her things into the guest bedroom. Once the kids are alone, they all let out breaths of relief.

Harley removes her hand from Chase's and punches Adam on the arm. "Thanks for that, Adam."

"Sorry. It was the first thing that came to mind."

Harley gives him another glare which makes him hide behind his sister.

Bree nudges him and the two of them walk away as Leo heads down to the lab. Leaving the "couple" by themselves.

"This won't be awkward, right?" Chase asks and she looks up at him.

"Of course not. Everything will be fine as long as we play the act." Harley reassures.

"Right. Just two friends pretending to be a couple." He awkwardly replies and playfully punches Harley's shoulder.

He then chases after Leo, keeping up his manny facade, leaving Harley alone.

She shrugs as she heads up to the guest bedroom she always has when sleeping over.


Sometime later, Harley heads downstairs to see Adam by the stove, wearing an apron and looking over a piece of paper with cooking instructions while scratching his head.

"Why is Adam by a very hot stove?" Harley asks.

"I'm a chef!" The oldest Davenport exclaims.

"Don't worry," Bree reassures the Johnson girl. "I have the fire extinguisher ready for the fire."

Harley laughs and playfully bumps shoulders with the girl. Their conversation and banter were cut short as Tasha and her mother entered, along with Leo and Chase, Davenport shortly behind. Bree starts doing sit-ups and jumping jacks and Harley casually sits down on the couch.

"Donald!" Rose exclaims.


"About time. I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."

"I was uh sick. I was feeling very ill. And I had a very important phone call. Uh, it's not nearly as important as you."

Rose chuckles. "Nice save."

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