Where am I?

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-No ones POV-

"Owww...what the hell?"

(Name) sat up and rubbed the back of her head and felt a slight sting accompanied with some throbbing pain.

"Itte!" She looked at her hand and saw a bit of blood "huh? Did I cut my head?" She touched her head again with her other hand and looked, it had blood on it "I guess I did."

Slowly getting up and dusting herself off, (Name) looked around. It was some dingy ally way that was littered with scraps of old newspapers, cigarette butts, and glass bottles. She then looked down at her clothes seeing that she had on a light blue crop top with short dark blue jeans and black laces boots as well as a red pull string backpack. The clothes were all slightly tattered and stained with some blood from her wiping it off her hands. After taking everything in, she walked a bit and turned a corner to see a couple of strangely dressed men in dark clothes talking. One seemed taller that the other and both had blond hair.

"I swore I saw her run through here," the shorter man said.

"We have to find her fast, she took the files" the other said.

"The others roughed her up quite a bit and she did look exhausted from using her stand so much."

"Shes probably too exhausted to use it anymore. So now is our chance to finish her off even if we don't have stands of our own."

She must have made a sound because one of the men turned his head and pointed at her.

"There she is!" The taller man yelled and started to sprint towards her.

(Name) yelped and ran back from where she came. The man had caught up to her and harshly grabbed her wrist and slung his other arm around her neck into a chokehold. She struggled and managed to dig the heel of her boot into the mans foot. He staggered just enough to loosen his hold on her neck and she bit his arm until he fully let go of her. The shorter man had just rounded the corner and she picked up two empty bottles and chucked them at him, one made contact with his face and shattered on impact while the other to his nuts. Before the first man could regain his composure, she picked up another bigger bottle and smashed it into his head before running away again.

(Name) heard the men not far off from where she was at and pushed herself to run faster. She made a few turns and eventually ran out of the ally ways and into the street. Almost getting hit by a few cars that never bothered to even stop as she ran across the street, she got to the other side and ran towards the nearest cafe to try and hide. Once entering the cafe, she had bumped into someone and stumbled backwards. Before she fell to the floor, a strong hand grabbed her arm to stop her fall. She squeaked a bit and started to regain her footing.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?" Said a gentle male voice.

-(Name) POV-

I looked up to the man, who was quite a bit taller than me, and my eyes widened. 'Wait, do I know this guy?'

Reincarnated in ItalyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ