Chapter 8

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Sasha's POV
                           I got back to the hotel and went straight to the front desk.

Sasha: Please I need any room with a single bed. Put it on Sasha Banks's tab.
Receptionist: Ok room 215. Here's your card

                                 I went to Seth and I's room and the girls, Finn and Roman were all there.

Bayley: Now Thank us

                                I quickly packed all my stuff and got my things from the bathroom.

Charlotte: What's going on? Sasha where are you going
Sasha: 215
Roman: Is that the honeymoon suite? Did he rent it out?

                               I walked out of the room and immediately saw Seth and Dean. Then I turned around and saw the rest of the gang. Ugh. I walked past all of them and got in the elevator. Once I got to the second floor I went straight to my room just to be followed by the rest.

Sasha: Guys please can I just have some privacy
Becky: No. You have to talk to Seth right now. We'll be a few feet away

                              They backed up reasonably and started asking Dean fire questions. But once my eyes landed on Seth I could see how hurt he was.

Seth: Sasha, did I say something wrong?
Sasha: Seth please don't make this hard for me
Seth: Hard for you? Really? I just confessed my love for you and you walked out. Yet I'm making this hard for you?
Sasha: Seth
Seth: I want an answer.
Sasha: I just... Ugh. Seth please leave me alone
Seth: Just speak your mind. Everything
Sasha: Seth I can't.
Seth: Sasha please
Sasha: Just leave me alone

                             I walked in my room with my bags and shut the door and used the slide lock to lock it. There was constant knocking but I didn't answer. They tried to open the door but the lock stopped them from being able to. I heard my name coming from the other side but I couldn't be bothered. I don't want to tell Seth off but he probably got the memo. I feel terrible. All the things he tried to do was for me. He changed for me. But once a cheater always a cheater... right?

Time Skip: Monday morning
Finn's POV
Seth hasn't left his room since Saturday just thinking about Sasha I believe. I really really doubt that she doesn't like him. So the guys and I decided to hijack Seth's room. We used the room key he gave us and entered. He was still sleeping. It's freaking 11 am.

Roman: C'mon Seth. Get up
Seth: ...
Finn: Seth!!!
Seth: Leave me alone.
Dean: Y'all are wasting your time

                                 Dean got a bottle of water from the mini fridge and poured every single drop of it on Seth's face... Seth didn't even move. He just shut his eyes with a bit more intensity.

Seth: I don't care anymore
Roman: Seth you can't be like this.
Seth: Why not. I can just stay here all day and sleep.
Finn: We have a live event tomorrow.
Seth: I'll think about tomorrow, tomorrow
Dean: Nuh uh. We're talking about you and Sasha-

                                 Who would have known that her name would get him to at least sit up.

Seth: Did she say she likes me?
Finn: I believe she does
Seth: Don't give me hope where there is no hope. Just tell me straight up.
Finn: We haven't heard from her. She hasn't left her room since the encounter either
Seth: I just wish she could see that I've loved her for a long time. It isn't something that just popped up.
Roman: I get what your saying. But weren't you screwing other girls when you loved Sasha?
Seth: She was with Corbin
Roman: Doesn't Matter Seth. But knowing Sasha... she has a heart. I just think you shouldn't give up.
Dean: Yeah I agree with Roman. You shouldn't give up. I know she'll come around. I'm sure of it
Finn: As her closest male friend I-
Seth: Wait what? That's not true
Finn: Oh so you think it's you?
Seth: I know it's me
Finn: Sorry Iowa boy but you're not. But I do think she likes you. Maybe there's a reason she said no. Don't give up just yet
Seth: You're right
Finn: Aren't I always
Seth: That's because you're so quiet and only talk when necessary
Finn: You should try it sometime

Seth and I started brawling with Dean and Roman laughing. This is exactly what he needed and I'm glad we gave it to him.

Sasha's POV
I've been on Netflix since 9. I haven't talked to my best friends in days. I feel bad for shutting them out but what if they tell Seth? I don't want him to know from another person. But it's not like I can tell him. I can't even bring myself to talk to him. As I was watching I heard knocks at my door. It's probably the food I ordered or the girls or the girls pretending to be the food I ordered. I looked through the peep hole and it was the pancakes I ordered... but I sensed Bayley. I opened the door slightly and gave up.

Sasha: Just come in

Charlotte and Bayley entered while Becky was trying to get out of the room service Cart which she finally did. I tipped the service guy as he dropped the food on the table. Once he left Bayley hugged me tight.

Bayley: I've missed you
Sasha: I can tell.
Becky: Lass, you can't just shut us out like that.
Charlotte: Yeah. Especially since I pick on you the most
Sasha: Flattering.
Bayley: So why did you block us out? You're meant to tell us what's up.
Sasha: You Guys will tell Seth or your boyfriends
Becky: It can be just me and you
Bayley: Sasha I would never do that if you don't want me to
Charlotte: Exactly. I tell Roman a lot of things but nothing top secret. He doesn't tell me everything so I shouldn't have to tell him everything
Bayley: Yeah Sash. Trust us

I sighed knowing I have to say how I feel. I hate talking about my feelings.

Becky: How do you feel towards Seth?
Sasha: ... I just don't like him.
Charlotte: Sasha-
Sasha: No Charlotte. You can't tell me I do because I just don't. He's a playboy. He's just gonna break my heart.
Bayley: You see that's the problem. You think he's gonna break your heart.
Sasha: ...I know he's gonna break my heart
Becky: Lass he's changed and it's because of you. Now that you told him off he's just gonna go back to his normal ways
Charlotte: Bingo!
Bayley: What?
Charlotte: Sasha remember when I asked you what you meant-
Sasha: When I said "Do you want my heart to get broken?" Yes that's exactly what I mean
Charlotte: Ok but you never said you didn't like him. You just said that you don't want your heart to get broken
Sasha: Same thing
Bayley: You love Seth. I see it
Sasha: Ugh please I don't need this right now. Alexa and Seth are gonna end up together by tomorrow and you guys shouldn't stop it from happening... promise?
Becky: I'm not promising shit
Charlotte: Neither am-
Sasha: Then you will never find out if I ever liked Seth
Becky and Charlotte: I promise
Sasha: Bayley?
Bayley: I just want you to follow your heart and not your head dude...and it's not fair that you aren't doing that

Bayley looked a bit down and started eating my pancakes

Sasha: My pancakes
Bayley: You've made me sad and now I eat your pancakes
Sasha: Where is the logic in that?
Bayley: I don't know. I just want to eat them
Sasha: Why can't you guys just believe me when I say that I don't like Seth?
Charlotte: You don't like him in just the slightest bit?
Sasha: No
Becky: You just don't want to get hurt. And I understand that. So at least be friends with him.
Sasha: If that shuts you guys up then no problem but I never said we weren't gonna be friends
Bayley: Can I please finish your pancakes?
Sasha: Go ahead Bay. Enjoy yourself
Bayley: Oh Thank God. I'm so hungry. Let's watch some Netflix
Sasha: Whatever you want

                              So we decided to watch "The Big Show Show" just to get some few laughs. I'll talk to Seth tomorrow for sure. But that's tomorrow. Right now it's girl time. And there isn't a better way to spend it than with my fellow Horsewomen.

Hey guys,
It's Flair13 and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's just to throw some things out there. But do you guys think Sasha likes Seth and just doesn't want to get her heart broken? Or she just doesn't like him?

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Peace ✌🏾

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