Chapter 6

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Thursday morning
Seth's POV
It's Thursday morning and we have a flight by 12. It's 10 and we're all eating while waiting for Sasha. She hasn't talked to anyone neither has she left her room since she came back yesterday. We've all tried to get in there but she's not opening the door. At least she has pizza in there.

Bayley: I'm sitting next to Sasha on the plane
Charlotte: Bay I really need to talk to her
Seth: I think I should sit next to her and talk to her
Becky: I think it should be Bayley. She seems pissed at you Char
Dean: Wait... I don't understand what's going on
Finn: They're arguing about who gets to sit next to Sasha.
Dean: Sasha's not here.
Seth: She's in her room. It's locked
Dean: It's not her in there.
Bayley: Dean I'm gonna try and be calm...Where's Sasha?
Dean: I woke up at 4am this morning and Sasha was about to leave. I talked to her and she exchanged a flight with Sonya. So Sonya is in there waiting for time to fly by I guess.
Charlotte: Damn. Did she say what time her flight was?
Dean: 6am
Bayley: She's still on the plane.
Dean: Yeah I guess so
Charlotte: She's angry because we keep telling her that Seth likes her. We told you and Roman that it should be Seth that should tell her
Dean: How would we know that she'll take it like this
Seth: Guys, Sasha doesn't like me. Isn't it obvious
Becky: Shut up. You don't know that
Seth: She doesn't. If she did she would have probably behaved jealous or something. Yesterday morning she thought I liked Becky
Bayley: True. I saw that
Becky: Hahahaha
Charlotte: She's clearly blind
Seth: Yeah and she doesn't like me
Finn: Seth shut up-
Seth: What's up with Irish people telling me shut up today? Sheamus and I talked in the morning and he told me to shut up. Then Becky and Now you? Is today Groundhog Day? St.Patrick's day?
Finn: Just let me finish... She hears fans say that you like her. She sees the media post about you guys. It's all a fantasy. So when her close friends tell her this... she probably thinks they're just saying that because of media. Making them bad friends. Maybe she does like Seth. But she keeps hearing about a mystery girl from Seth and a totally different thing from her friends. She needs COLBY LOPEZ to tell her by himself. It's not Rocket science
Bayley: You are so smart

I thought about it for sometime and Finn's right. I need to tell her by myself

Seth: But I'm not just gonna come out and say it. I need to be fancy.
Roman: Yeah. Do it on Saturday
Seth: Yeah. I will.
Charlotte: While you think of a plan... we're gonna hijack Sasha at Smackdown so she can talk to us
Becky: Anything that works
Bayley: And you think hijacking Sasha will work?
Dean: You can try. What's the worst that can happen?

Then we saw Sonya come out of her room with her bags.

Charlotte: Hey Sonya
Sonya: I'm guessing Dean told you guys?
Dean: Yep
Sonya: Cool but if we don't leave now we'll be late

So we all got up and took our bags and left. Smackdown is in Virginia so it's still the east that we're landing in.

Time Skip: Friday Morning
Seth's POV
I woke up with my alarm clock blasting Metal rock music. It was 9 am and I needed to gym before Smackdown. I still haven't been able to talk to Sasha. I really need to talk to her today so my plan will be easier tomorrow. I changed into my gym gear, put on my headphones and went to the nearest CrossFit... which isn't really near. After about 30 minutes of driving I finally got to the CrossFit. I went straight to the treadmills. I started running and humming to my music. I turned around for a bit and I saw Sasha doing squats. I legit almost tripped on the treadmill. She's so hot. I'll probably talk to her after.

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