Chapter 4

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Sasha's POV
Just landed in London on Tuesday
                         After getting all our bags from baggage claim we got outside and the buses were outside. Bayley and I had one while Charlotte and Becky had one. I was probably the most exhausted one out of all 4 of us because I decided to watch movies instead of sleeping. It was a 30 minute drive to the hotel... as I was told because I slept. We checked in to the penthouse that WWE rented out for us. It had 5 rooms and 5 bathrooms. Not bad at all.

Sasha: Guys I'm so tired
Charlotte: Aren't we all?
Becky: What time is the media?
Bayley: Tomorrow is Media. Today is fan signing
Becky: Ok but by what time?
Sasha: Like... 3
Charlotte: Well then I'm gonna go rest. It's 11:45 which is 6:45 East American time.
Bayley: Wow. Charlotte went to College
Charlotte: Shut up

                    I woke up with the alarm sounding in my ear. I looked at the time and I jumped. I ran and woke up the other girls and they were as shocked as me

Bayley: You said that you were setting it for 2:10!!!
Sasha: I thought I did but there's no time to blame me. We have to go. No time to redo your make up Charlotte
Charlotte: I should be telling you that

                      I rolled my eyes and went to dress up. Long story short, we reached the signing at 3:50. Then Stephanie called me.

Stephanie: What the hell happened???
Sasha: It was a-
Stephanie: Mistake? Instead of ending by 5 you guys are ending by 6 and I'm fining you all.

                     She ended the call and this was so expected. She hates our guts for absolutely no reason. She legit chose us to change the women's perception in WWE and we did that and some.

Bayley: There are a lot of fans in there. I hope they aren't angry
Becky: Ha. I'd be angry. Just my look would kill the superstar. Unless he or she is my favorite
Charlotte: What'd Steph say?
Sasha: She's fining us
Becky: By the way she fines us you'd think we'd be broke or not have a salary at all by now.

                      We all laughed as we got to our seats for the signing. Fans Chanting our names all over the place. Different versions of our shirts are being seen. It's a nice feeling. After some time a girl that looks like she's in her teens came up to me.

Sasha: Hi
Teen girl: I'm such a huge fan!!!
Sasha: Thank you!!!

                        I signed all she wanted me to sign and took a picture with her.

Teen girl: Can I ask you something?
Sasha: Sure.
Teen girl: Are you and Seth dating yet?
Sasha: Yet? Dating? No no no, we're just best friends
Teen girl: But that's how it starts ya know. I think he likes you. The pictures you guys take and all. There's a way he looks at you. That's why fans ship Sesha.
Sasha: Sesha?
Teen girl: Yeah. Sasha and Seth. Sesha
Sasha: That's cute but I don't think it will happen. Plus he has his eyes on someone and it may just be a wrestler
Teen girl: Oh. Well then he's blind for not choosing you after Corbin. Thanks again Sasha
Sasha: You're so welcome

                         The girl goes and I can't just help but laugh in my head. Sesha? That's a nice ship name. It's cute. Seth's cute. But nah. I can't date Seth. I promise to help him change and I will but I don't want to ever be a victim. Besides, I almost tried a few years ago. But he was in his play boy ways. And now I don't want him and I'm sure the girl he's changing for must be priceless If he's willing to do all this.
We finished all the signings and it was 5:42.

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