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hope my family are okay, I still haven't seen them, Or anyone infact I thought to myself as I sat infront of my old school I'd left it 2 years ago, "I wonder what it's like now, I still know some teachers that work there. Maybe they can help me!"

I walked in there as I looked for my old classroom, "wait is that..." I saw my old teacher. "Mrs Gazelle, there you are! I need some help! Mrs gazelle...? She finally turned to look at me, only she seemed different. I looked at her eyes as they glew a bright yellowish black. She seemed in pain, like how I felt when my eyes became red. 'Maybe she's just urm... wearing contacts!'
'Wow I'm bad at lying even to myself...' I thought
I looked at my teachers hand and saw she was holding a ruler... covered in b-blood-

I always hated seeing blood and I tried to hide my erge to throw up. She was waving the ruler around, she tried many times to stab me with it. I backed out of the classroom and ran into the huge sports room, I grabbed a bat and clutched it tightly. 'I don't like hurting others' I thought but if they tried to kill me I guess I'd have too. Distracting my thoughts I heard footsteps coming into the room from both sides. On one side my teacher walked in, she looked hurt but also was ready to kill me and in the other side was someone I didn't recognise.

I looked at her and to my surprise her eyes weren't glowing like the people trying to hurt me. She didn't look in pain she seemed to smile through what was happening.
I stood confused debating if it's even possible to kill someone with a baseball bat when my teacher walked towards me I scrambled to get away but I was too slow. I heard a crossbow hit her and suddenly it all went black.

A different Point of view (roblox piggy)Where stories live. Discover now