𝖎𝖛. ━ hanging on threads and daddy issues

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𝖛𝖔𝖑. 𝖎 not a fucking fairytale


THE NEXT FEW WEEKS PASS surprisingly fast. Alysha slowly recovers from her depressive phase and after a few days of not talking Blake calls up Danny and him and Maddie make their way to the Prince residence the very same day.

It turns out that Alysha barely made it to visiting her mother before panicking and crashing and basically causing every single prison ward to freak out and escort her to the exit. Apparently that's what made the situation so much worse. Now Alysha isn't allowed in the near vicinity of the prison for approximately six months which is probably for the better.

So, Danny and Maddie and more often Blake spend the next few days at Alysha's side, reading, writing and in Blake's case composing. It's insane how patient and calm the blonde gets around Lysha whenever need be, although her ADHD should prevent her from sitting still for longer than a few minutes like it usually does.

It only makes it even more clear to Maddie how much love Blake feels for their best friend. It also makes it even clearer that Alysha just doesn't feel the same and probably never will.

When Maddie isn't spending her time next to Alysha or hanging around with Danny, she helps out Felix at the bar. It's a fancy bar -- a Kook bar if you will. Unfortunately, Maddie sees more faces of entitled Kooks every day than of her classmates or fellow Pogues. Fucking depressing.

So, when she just so happens to work a shift at the Country Club around the same time Rafe Cameron and his goons decide to grace her with their presence, it only makes sense for Maddie's to be in a really bad mood.

Maddie knows her boss hates it when she lets her bias against Topper and his stupid gang interfere with her work, so she tries her best to hide the disdain in her voice when Kelce approaches her and asks her for three sodas. Still, the young brunette can't help but want to wipe the stupid ass smirk off his face.

❝Well, well, well, if it ain't Maddie Cook our favorite island tragedy. Fresh seeing you here, princessa.❞

❝I work here, dumbass. Now be so kind and skidaddle.❞

Kelce makes no move to skidaddle. He only watches Maddie with his brown ass eyes. Intently.

The brunette continues to work, very consciously avoiding eye contact with the Kook on the other side of the bar. It isn't a very busy day, meaning the club is almost entirely empty. That only adds to Maddie's uneasy feeling in her gut.

Obviously, Maddie expects the day to get better from here, because, honestly; what could ruin her day even more than having to work with Rafe Cameron watching her closely the entire time?

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐒 ‣ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now