𝐢, 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝.

Start from the beginning

Not her blood, but that didn't matter. Family is who you choose it to be, blood doesn't have a say in anything.

To think about it, Ermellina couldn't properly remember her mother's face or any of her family members. Had she become so old she forgot who her parents were? Who her brothers were?

She finished washing her hair with the flower-scented shampoo and conditioner and washed her body before stepping out of the shower.

Stepping out she scanned the bathroom to find a towel and a set of clothes. Swiftly she dried off and put them on, realizing how small she looked in the oversized clothes.

She opened the door to the sound of humming and the smell of soup. She made her way to the kitchen to find the old woman stirring the soup in the pot.

Pulling out a creaky chair is what finally got the attention of the old lady. She smiled warmly at the 'younger' girl, handing her a bowl of soup. The old lady grabbed her bowl before sitting across from Ermellina. Before she could grab a spoon the elder stuck her hands out.

     "We must say grace," she spoke softly in Russian as she held her hands out. Ermellina eyed the hands before gently connecting them and closing her eyes. Just because they didn't share the same views didn't mean she had to disrespect her.

     She bowed her head listening to the woman to speak. "Lord, we are so grateful for the food that you have set before us. We know not everyone has what we do, and we thank you for everything you have given to us. We also want to take this time to pray for the poor and hungry who lack resources. Please be with them and sustain them. In the name of Jesus, we pray, amen."

     The old lady separated her hands and grabbed her spoon before starting to eat the soup. Ermellina recognized the orange-red soup Solyanka, as Nicolò used to eat it every time they visited Russia or Ukraine.

     The thought of being together with him and Joe made her eyes water. She looked down and grabbed her spoon as she began to eat. Time flew as Ermellina grabbed her an the elders bowls to clean. It's the least she could do. The woman gave her a kind smile as she wiped down the table and put the leftovers away.

     Finishing the dishes she dried her hands as the elder turned to her, "You may stay for the night but I'm afraid you'll have to leave in the morning," she spoke regretfully.

Ermellina nodded in understanding. Internally she was grateful, the lady didn't ask for her name, or why she was covered in blood. Because if she did, she would be dead and Ermellina would be at another house.

     "I'll lead you to the room you can stay in. I'll supply you more clothes and food for your travels tomorrow," she spoke in a motherly tone as if she was sending her daughter into the world.

     Nodding again she followed the lady into a room as she looked around sighing the old lady closed the door after wishing her goodnight. Looking around the room all she could point out in the dark was the bed and dresser.

     Slowly slipping under the covers she closed her eyes hoping for a good night's sleep.

blood, a woman, black, dying, sliced throat, us marine, immortal.

     Ermellina woke with a gasp frantically trying to remember what she had dreamed about. Feeling around she grabbed a notebook and pen before scribbling what she saw. Holding it up she let out a breathy chuckle. She was going to find them.

     Looking towards the window to see the sun rising she stood up before walking out of the room into the kitchen to see the woman already packing a bag with a plate on the table.

     Looking up from the bag that was almost finished the woman gave her a smile, gesturing to the plate on the table. Ermellina gave her a small smile in thanks as she sat down and ate what looked like fried eggs and grenki.

     Starving, she ate not knowing when the next time she would have a homemade meal would be. "Your bag is packed with clothes and food. There are clothes in the bathroom for you to change into. I wish you safety on your trip."

Thanking her she finished eating and washed her dishes. Speed walking to the bathroom, she changed throwing on a short-sleeved gray shirt and jeans with shoes she wore before, The lady must have cleaned them.

Walking out she grabbed the bag and with one last confirming nod the lady who helped her she was off to find the loves of her life.

words: 1315

AN. | HOLA MY FRIENDS. another chapter down. I wanted to start this off by saying i love every single one of you 🥺 also I'd appreciate and feedback you have or any random questions!

me @ you guys

me @ you guys

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ANYWAYS. ty for the support it really means a lot ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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