The chit 📝 c-1

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Luna's Pov.

01:15 am thursday night

Dear Dairy,
You know what darling?
Today's target completed yaaa... [Which one?] Ugh.. my sweetest enemy olivia the only girl that I hate a lot I told you yesterday that she is interested in Ryan but as u know that she irritates ry also. So the whole story is ME, Ryan, Cora, harry and charlie we all are talking, our hands carrying a lot of things like:- as you know I love coca cola, and others carried coffee I don't know why everyone loves coffee than coca cola okay leave it, we made a rectangle shape group so no-one can interfere in our serious talks bcoz the talks is about scandals took place before 1:hour that I'll tell you later so that shit girl

Hit me like ughh and that hit is still hurts so the Coca-Cola i carried fell on Ryan it seems like it was a plan made by her and then she say:- "come Ryan i clean your jeans", then it irritates me and I hold her waist drawn towards me and took coffee from Cora and threw it on her face and said now go! And clean your face and don't worry I'll help Ryan and hence her shit face is wash now! But thank god that coffee is Cold whenever I have to go for detention!!!!

Her face like hilarious wow! I'm always enjoy my little things [is it little?] for me it's little so the scandals happens is you know olivia has a brother name mm... Yaa max so
I gently pasted a paper behind him and on the top of that I wrote nononono... I did not wrote, it was Cora's idea so on the top of that we write "You know what guys? I'm a fuck man! And I have a fuck sis too! so guys let's fuck on me together" and he don't know who wrote and paste on his back! So we all are talk about "what will we do now?"

So today's scandle's cast:-
Max Russ as victim
Luna Marino as attacker

Script writer :-
Cora Lautner, Ryan warner

Audiance :-
Charlie johnson, asher wilson, harry miller

Ohh asher also over there, and ILY

By xoxo
Sweet dreams take care darling love u!

12/10/19 thursday night!

I quickly close my dairy I'm feeling very tired, I take a long yawns and slept with both hands on the table I was going to close my eyes suddenly I see a card in my notebook the card was visible from distance, but it was a chit it seemed to be did I select for Charlies angels? but it was nothing But when I read that chit butterfly* started flying on my Tammy, don't know why? it was written in that :-

"If you have time, So can I have
a cup of coffee with you :)"

- asher

who would have given it to me, bcoz
The asher I know cannot write like this I was going crazy thinking ( I think the new asher but we don't have a talk) (Or the senior asher but he so ugly) (Or that never seen asher) uhghhh.... damn it! think with the team then my mind goes!
I made a quick step To my bed but still I'm thinking about it I fell a sleep with the lamp closed in anger

what did you think who was he?
okay.. let's find it ;)

but guys don't forget to touch that tiny stars see you at Friday night

byee xoxo <3 have a good day

Love will remember

                                   - Selena Gomez

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