chapter two~

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*Louis' POV*

I wrapped my arm under the limp boy's legs and carried him bridal style to my car. Why did I kidnap him? Well I don't really know the answer to that. I just couldn't stay away from him and I did it before I could react, and now I have a teenage boy laying down in my backseat unconcious.

"Ugh!" I yelled and banged my head against the steering wheel. "Stupid." I banged it again.

Pulling into my driveway I prayed that the boy was still going to sleep for a long time. Until I figure out what to do and wrap my head around what I just did.

"Hey man did you get our chips and-" Zayn stopped talking. Zayn and Niall have been my roomates since we graduated. So about four years ago. They were my best lads and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Well.. maybe Niall since he always eats all of the food.

"Okay I'm going to go inside and come out again and when I come out whoever that is is going to disappear." Zayn told himself. Any other time I would've laughed at him but right now I know is not the time for laughing. This is serious. I just kidnapped someone.

"FOOD YASSSSS." I heard Niall belt out from the porch. He ran over to the car and looked at the boy. Just then Zayn came out and spoke. "Okay so Louis tell me.. ARE YOU ON DRUGS?!" He motioned to the boy.

'I mean I'm not but right now he is.' I laughed in my head about my joke and then returned to reality. "Oh please tell me he's just sleeping and he's not dead." Niall looked like he was about to cry. "No I just drugged him and put him in my car." I shrugged.

Zayn chuckled darkly. "LOUIS THIS IS KINDA ILLEGAL. WE COULD ALL GO TO JAIL FOR THIS." He yelled at me.

As soon as he said that Niall's eyes windened and he started freaking out. "But the food in prision is probably awful!" He groaned. Well that's little Nialler for you. Zayn rolled his eyes and grabbed the boy. "You're going to fix this Tomlinson." Zayn said calmly. But it didn't take a rocket scientist to see he was fuming on the inside.

"You're in for some trouble Louis." Niall said following Zayn into the house.

"As if I didn't know that." I mumbled to myself quietly.


*Harry's POV*

"W-Where am I?" I stuttered to myself.

"Listen man I'm going to get you out of here." A boy with jet black hair said to me. "Louis is such a twat." He grumbled. "Hey hey!" A blond irish boy ran in. "I'm Niall." He stuck out his hand. I just looked at it until he frowed and pulled it back.

I know I sound mean but these are my captors and I'm not just going to be friends with them. But which one is the one who actually drugged me? And who's Louis? "Listen guys I said I'm sorry.." The boy from the market walked into the room and I immediately knew it was him. He was the one who drugged me.

He walked over to me and looked into my eyes. "Niall and Zayn could you guys go make some food please?" The boy grumbled. They just nodded and left. After they were both gone the boy kneeled in-front of me and traced my jaw with his hand. I went to push his hand away but then the smell of his cologne hit me like a brick wall.

"What's your name?" He asked me getting up. That's funny, he thought I was going to give him my name. Nope. I stood up and looked him in the eyes. "None of your buisness you twat." I spat. Just then he took both of my wrists in his hand and pushed me against the wall.

"Listen here tough boy, you may be a little bit bigger than me but I'm still your captor and you listen to me." He snapped. I couldn't lie this was pretty hot. My hand wanted so badly to touch his cheekbones but I resisted. What are you doing Harry? You're straight.

"We made-" Niall cut himself off when he walked in. "Oooh kinky." He winked and walked out of the room. You've got to be kidding me. This Louis kid must be gay.

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