chapter three~

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"Niall you're such an idiot." I mumbled.

Harry looked at me with disgust and I drew my eyebrow together. What's his problem?

"Louis what are you doing?!" Zayn shouted from the doorway with a smirking Niall behind him.

It's amazing how quickly his emotions change. Just a few minutes ago he looked scared and now he's being his cheeky self again.

"I uh I-" Zayn looked furious and I was actually kind of scared of him right now.

"I uh what Louis? I know I'm being a dick right now but really man? Kidnapping?" He held a plate in his hand while Niall had another.

"Hey Zayn calm down." I now realized that Niall had come over and had his hand on Zayn's shoulder.

Instantly Zayn relaxed and set the plate down. I could tell how angry he was but he didn't want to explode in front of Niall. Niall didn't react well to stuff like that. He never has.

"I'm going out with Niall to Nando's and you have until we get back to figure out what you're going to do." Niall's eyes lit up brighter than a Christmas tree.

I don't know what I was thinking kidnapping the boy, but I couldn't stop myself. His green eyes and curly hair drew me in. Along with those legs, definitely those legs.

"Are you going to let me go or no?" A voice piped up. I dropped his wrists and he rubbed them. "Did I hurt you?" "Well it certainly wasn't me." He mumbled. Here I thought I was the sassy one. Looks like someone is trying to take my position as the sass king.

Once again I grabbed his wrists and pinned him against the wall. This time though I loosened my grip not wanting to hurt the boy.

"Get off me you fag." As soon as those words came out of his mouth his green eyes widened. Oh he knew he was in some deep crap now.

"Excuse me?"

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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