I grabbed my phone that laid on the empty side of the bed, pressing the power button to check the time.

4:45 am

I tossed the covers off and reached for a pair of pajama pants, quickly pulling it on before exiting my room.

I jogged down the stairs, making my way through the kitchen and the to the French doors, not wanting to miss the sunrise. It was the one thing I always counted on to clear my fogged mind.

I turned the handle, stepping outside and letting the cool air hit my face as I closed the door behind me.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself as I realized I had only grabbed my pack of Camels on my way out and my lighter was still sitting on my side table up in my bedroom.

I was just about to turn around to head back inside when I noticed the swinging canopy bench just barely move in a back and forward motion.

I sucked in a deep breath, knowing it could only be one other person that would be waiting to watch the sunrise this early in the morning.

I carefully treaded my bare feet through the crisp grass, my heart pounding as loud as ever as the nerves nearly ate me alive.

Once I reached the bench, I saw Lena's body curled comfortably along the surface.

She swiftly sat up as I came into her view, a feared look in those same eyes that once lit up whenever she saw me.

I swallowed hard, our glances intertwined with each other as I slowly sank down next to her.

She bit down onto her bottom lip that was quivering as she stared back at me. It killed me to see her like this as I saw a single tear slip down her cheek.

"Lee." I whispered under my breath as I placed my hand onto her bare thigh.

She flinched under my touch, as if I were some sort of stranger she had just met, and not the man that had explored every last inch of her beautiful body time and time again.

My eyes traveled to my tour tee shirt that she always seemed to pull off and I had a glimmer of hope that I could still salvage what we had.

But my heart broke once again as she moved my hand off of her and opened her mouth to speak.

"Austin don't." She shook her head as she hushed in a low voice.

"Baby girl I'm sorry. I am so sorry. Please just hear me out Lena." I nearly begged as I cupped her cheek, wiping the tear that was sliding down.

"I can't do this right now." She said as she quickly rose from her seat.

I placed my hands on each side of her hips, pulling her infront of me, leaning my head against her stomach and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Lena please, I'm begging you. You have the wrong idea. Please just listen to me."

Lena POV

I fought the urge to run my fingers through his curls as I listened to him plead for me to stay. But as much as I loved this man, I wasn't going to let him play me for a fool.

Maybe he's telling you the truth Lena? Ever thought of that?

I was so quick to blame him and not give him the benefit of the doubt but who was I kidding? He literally was a rockstar and this wasn't going to be the last time a woman that wasn't me was going to crawl her way into his lap.

He was probably just begging for my forgiveness so he could continue to sleep with me.

He couldn't possibly care about me, I was just another fling, just another easy fuck.

Just another groupie.

The other side of my brain fought back as I almost came to his defense.

"Well what do you want from me Austin? It's just meaningless sex for you. It doesn't matter what I think."

The words slipped from my mouth before I couldn't even think them through and I bit down hard onto my bottom lip, almost surprised by my own words.

He instantly picked his head up, letting go of me in the process. The look on his face was unlike any other way I had ever seen him.

He looked hurt and I immediately knew I had fucked up with what I had just said to him.

"Meaningless sex? How could you even say that? Is that what you fucking think we're doing Lena?" His words were wrapped with pain and suddenly, I was filled with regret.

"No that's not what I think. I'm just confused and upset and I-I don't know what to believe." I stuttered as he stood up, towering over me.

"Lena have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?"

"Well no but-"

"Then what is this about Lena? I'm telling you the truth and you don't want to hear it. I have done nothing but try my fucking best to prove to you that you can trust me. But all of a sudden, all of that is thrown out the window. Everything we built, doesn't mean anything to you?"

I could tell he was running out of patience and it broke me to see him this distraught over me. Over us.

He obviously cared about me and I was too fucking hard headed to see it. I was using what happened at the lounge as an out because even though I felt ready, deep down, a part of me was still too damn scared of completely giving myself to him.

I stared at his cold hard eyes as he glared at me with pure fury in his irises. His usual baby blues were almost a navy black with how fuming he was and I was now at a loss for words.

"You're fired." He said as he tightly clenched his jaw, his voice low and emotionless.

"What?" My jaw dropped in disbelief as I shook my head as if I didn't hear him correctly.

"Maybe you shouldn't be working for me right now."

"Are you serious right now Austin? You're firing me? Why are you behaving like this?" I shouted, in shock at what this night what turning into.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt more tears building up and begin to fall down my face.

The look in his eyes softened as he watched me silently cry in front of him.

The look in his eyes softened as he watched me silently cry in front of him

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Because I'm the only one fighting for us." He took a step closer to me, running his fingers through his hair.

His gaze locked with mine as his thumb caught the millionth tear that escaped from my eyes.

"Can't you see that I fucking love you Lena?"

My lips parted at his unexpected words and I felt my heart fall to my feet as I couldn't even begin to digest what he had just said.

He began to move past me to walk away towards the French doors, leading back into the house. But before he did so, he leaned down, his breath withering my neck as he whispered raspily into my ear.

"And I know you love me too."

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin