chapter one~

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*Harry's POV*

"Mum I can walk you know?" I rolled my eyes.

She was worried of me walking over to the market but I honestly didn't see a problem. It was kinda getting dark but I have seen enough cliche movies to know how to avoid getting kidnapped. Or in my case young adult-napped. I was a senior in high school and I'm sick of being treated like a kid.

"Harry there are some sick people in the world.." She trailed off. I just rolled my eyes in response. She was being ridiculous. "Please just let me go mum you're tired and I need a walk of fresh air anyways." I pleaded. "Fine, but you best not get kidnapped or I will find you and kick your butt." She sent me a small smile. "Alright mum!" I yelled on my way out the door.

The market wasn't too far away but it wasn't very close either. I've always loved walking. The fresh air is always good to have. As for Gemma she was the most lazy person in the world. If you tried to get her to go for a walk she would look at you like you're crazy and go back to her Netflix. I don't know how she isn't fat.

"Excuse me." A woman with a stroller and a little girl passed me.

I've always wanted kids. My mom can't wait until I find my perfect girl and we have curly haired rug rats running around. I have my eye set on a few cute girls at my school but other than that I haven't found "the one" yet and that scares me. What if I never find the right girl?

A couple was sitting across the road from me holding hands. I would think they were cute but they were both boys. I don't know how someone could find someone of the same sex and sexually be with them. I couldn't imagine. A shudder ran through my spine.

Finally I made it to the market. Just in time too. They were going to close in about five minutes. I looked down at the crumpled piece of paper in my hand and headed toward the chip isle. Oh Gemma. I shook my head and chuckled.

"Lays.. pretzels.. ha! Pringles." I grabbed a tube off of the shelf and held it in my hand tightly. Just then another man walked into the isle and started looking at the chips. His cheekbones could cut a piece of cement, dang. He had his hair back in a quiff which was pulled back in a grey beanie. He was wearing sweats and a sweatshirt and he still managed to look like a sex god.

I shook my head of the thoughts and went back to looking at chips. That is until his piercing blue eyes met mine. I can't say that those weren't the most captivating and beautiful eyes I've ever seen because I would be lying.

'Just walk away Harry.' I told myself. Thankfully I listened to myself and left the isle. It didn't take me long to get the rest of my items. The list was pretty short and the stuff was pretty easy to find. But that might have to do with the fact I used to work here.

"Thank you." I smiled at the cashier and grabbed my bags.

If it wasn't dark before it's dark now. Wonderful. My mum was probably freaking out right about now. Well I better call her and let her know I'm okay. I moved all of the bags onto my left arm and felt in my pocket for my phone. Gone.

"Crap." I muttered. A person has not felt true fear until they have lost their cell phone. It's the worst thing in the world. A little over dramatic I know but it really is awful. Mum is going to kill me and hang me over the mantle by my bum if I don't find my phone.

I've probably been looking for a half an hour now. Still no luck. I would've went back to the store but they're long closed by now. I will just have to wait until morning.

A loud engine reved behind me. In response I whipped my head around. There was a black car behind me. As long as it isn't a black van we are good. I joked to myself. I kept walking and the car was moving at a very slow pace. Oh no.

I started to run but obviously that didn't work since my stalker was in a car. The car also had very tinted windows might I add. I heard the car door open and I dropped my bags. If there is ever a time to need your phone the most, it's now.

I've never been a fast runner but whoever is chasing me is because their hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me backwards. "Mmmpppmmmmmffff!" I yelled into his hand that was now covering my mouth.

I only know it's a he from the cologne. If I ever get away I'm going to have to find out what that is because it's making my mind cloudy and I'm loving it. "Don't even try to get away." A deep voice whispered in my ear. I tried once again to flail around and he wrapped his hand around my jewels, causing me to gasp into his hand.

"What did I say?" He growled into my ear. He squeezed his hand tightly but instead of it hurting it felt good and I whipped my head backwards. I would've rather it hurt.

A cloth covered my mouth held by my one and only man-napper. That's right I'm a man. A man who is going to get out. Not for me but for Gemma and my mum. They need me.

"Breathe in sweetheart." He whispered.

I held my breath for as long as I could but it wasn't long. I was breathing in before I knew it. This was going to be awful.

Stolkholm Syndrome (larry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora