"Where you think is best." Her body rests back against the upright mattress, unable to lie down from the stitches across her abdomen.

"Okay, then." SuA pauses to think and her grip tightens uncomfortably as her expression tightens in remembered pain. "We can start from the warehouse. First, Handong knew you were all coming. Exact numbers."

"There was a spy in the company." Siyeon says.

"Makes sense. She took me captive, saying you would try to rescue me." Her eyes cloud with tortured memories. "See, she knew everything. She knew about each time we met, each time we talked on the phone. She knew it would hurt you if I died."

"Oh..." Siyeon murmurs empathetically. "I'm s--"

"It's not your fault, Siyeon. Don't you dare say it is." Fierceness flashes in her eyes. "It was all that woman's fault, not yours. So then, you all came."

"And she stabbed you in the freaking neck!"

"I moved." SuA hiffs. "I knew she was going to try and hurt me no matter what, so I...just shifted a little."

"Where did she hit you?" Siyeon question, the memory causing a sick feeling. "There was so much blood."

"The knife broke my right collarbone and passed straight through my body." She demonstrates with her hand. "It nicked a lung and tore a load of my muscles. It's hard to sit properly with how weak my muscles are."

"But you're alive." Siyeon beams warmly, mouth muscles quickly tiring with the expression. "How long have I been asleep?"

"I think it's been a week." SuA answers. "Thank goodness there was no brain injury, but you were hurt so badly, they weren't sure you would, you know, live."

Siyeon's eyes rove to the ceiling. "I killed that woman. When I was standing over her, I just wanted to, to hurt her again and again. Even though she was helpless to do anything against me. That feeling was awful."

"It's understandable." SuA replies evenly with a nod of understanding. "She hurt all those closest to you. Including me." She leans in, dark eyes staring closely at Siyeon. "With her gone, there's no one to take you away from me."

The room door opens and JiU comes inside, wheeling Gahyeon in front of her. "Bad time?" She jokes with a devilish grin as Gahyeon cackles at the surprised blushing girls.

"Not at all." Siyeon laughs as SuA scowls at their ruined moment. "How are you both?"

"Not bad." JiU nods. "I only suffered a few bruises and cuts from the warehouse fight. Nothing serious."

"I feel great, never better." She says with a wide grin and smiling eyes. "Though the hospital still wants to keep me here under observation."

"How much does the hospital know about us? Isn't it suspicious if a load of people come here with violent wounds?"

"The company handles that." JiU fills in. "Assassins from our company are always assigned private rooms. They pay for no questions asked, no police involved."

"Nifty. So, who's running the company?"

"It's the same Senior Assassins as before. And I'd just like to say thank you for saving me from Matthew back at the warehouse."

"That's fine." Siyeon smiles. "I just saw him and acted on instinct." She slowly stretches. "How long do I have to stay here?"

"You were shot..." Gahyeon smiles with a skeptical eyebrow raise. "I don't think you'll be leaving for a few weeks."

Siyeon rolls her eyes and groans. "I can't wait to exercise again."


A week later, Siyeon was still in hospital. It took a lot out of her to even be able to walk a short distance, what with how her stitches force her to walk with a hunch.

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