Chapter 19

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"And I am happy to present the following certificate to you, which celebrates your achievement of Rookie assassin. Congratulations." Dami hands the certificate over to SuA carefully as the heads of Trainees, Rookies, Juniors and Seniors stand by, watching with firm smiles.

Siyeon is also in the room, stood next to the head of Seniors. She is dressed smartly in her official assassin's outfit of combat boots, black baggy trousers and a t-shirt with two red crossing lines across the back.

The people in the room all applaud with fixed grins at the proud young woman.

Dami turns to Siyeon, calling her from the line to stand in front of her. "I am also happy to present this certificate to you," She takes it from her desk. "Which celebrates your achievement of Senior assassin. Congratulations." Everyone claps again and Siyeon beams with pride at Dami.

"Thank you, Miss Dami." They say together as the short ceremony ends.

"Quite alright. You're free to leave now."

The girls turn to leave, first having brief conversations with the heads of department.

Once out of the room, they meet eyes with fond looks and link hands.

"Well done, you." SuA smiles happily at her, looking pleased with both herself and Siyeon.

"You too." Siyeon squeezes her hand and pecks her cheek gently.

"Not here." SuA giggles and starts to hop down the corridor in joy. "Let's go on a date tonight and do shit there!"

"I will." Siyeon accepts. "But I've got to walk Yoohyeon home first this evening from her singing club."

"Where's the club?"

Siyeon describes where it is, expressing her curiosity as to why she is interested.

"I was just wondering because I was thinking of going and trying it out." She replies nonchalantly.

"You can sing and dance?"

"Of course. I'm not a two-trick pony. I can sing, dance and I look great."

Siyeon snorts derisively. "Of course you'd say that."

"Well, I'll go first." SuA waves as she lets go of her hand and starts to walk off. "I'll see you back at the flat soon and we can plan our date."


Unusually for Siyeon, she walks Yoohyeon home after school. She found that because she no longer had to train SuA, she had much more time to herself. Though she wants to be with SuA, she couldn't mindlessly abandon her bestest friend for love.

"How're you and SuA then?" Yoohyeon starts curiously.

"Getting on." She replies non-committedly. "It hasn't been long since we started it officially."

"It'll only get better from here." She smiles and swings the hand she holds with Siyeon.

"If you're sure!" Siyeon mirrors her joyous expression and twirls around as if she were a dancer. As she spins, she sees a tall man several yards behind. He quickly disappears into an alley naturally once she notices him.

Siyeon frowns at the distrustful way he moves but forces herself to dismiss it. Not everyone is a suspicious person and she continues to twirl with a belt of forced laughter as Yoohyeon grins at her.

They continue home, chatting about gossip at school.

Outside of Yoohyeon's house, Siyeon feels the itching sensation on her neck that someone was watching her.

Again, she turns, this time in irritation, but doesn't see anything.


It's the weekend and once more, Siyeon arranges to meet up with Yoohyeon. This time, it's to study at the library. They have a big Biology test coming up and Siyeon wants to pass it to continue to prove herself to Dami.

She waits on the corner up the road from Yoohyeon's house, having already texted her that she was waiting.

Five minutes later, she finally receives a reply - 'Just leaving now xx'

As a pleased expression comes onto her face, she walks back onto Yoohyeon's street, spying Yoohyeon closing her front door.

She watches her walk onto the street. As soon as the slim girl starts to walk towards her, a van door opens close to Yoohyeon, blocking Siyeon's view of her. The back van door also rattles open and she sees a glimpse of people stepping out.

So it surprises her when she hears a muffled scream, sounding much like Yoohyeon.

As a thump of fear runs through her stomach, Siyeon dashes forward so she's able to see around the door and witnesses Yoohyeon being bundled into the van by three men, struggling all the way. The back door closes, leaving the driver on the pavement.

"Yoohyeon!" She yells urgently and sprints towards the lone man.

He sees her coming and leaps into the van, closing the door. When she gets close, reaching her hand out to the door handle, he shoves open the door again, straight into her face.

Siyeon slips back onto the pavement. Her nose exploding in pain as the van maneuvres away with screeching tyres. Without a car herself, she jumps to her feet and sprints briefly after the escaping van, but it's no use. It is impossible for her to catch up.

She calls Dami, not knowing what else to do in the dire situation.

"Yoohyeon's been kidnapped!" She yells immediately when the phone is picked up, her tone nasal as blood leaks out of her nose in great floods.

"Your friend?" Dami questions in bemusement. "Kidnapped?"

"Yes, kidnapped!" She sucks in great breaths to control her breathing. "Literally just now."

"Can you give a brief description of the vehicle and perpetrators?"

"White, unmarked van. I didn't see the number plate. The men I saw all wore balaclavas and hoodies." She tenderly probes her nose. "One of them may have broken my nose."

"Okay, I've noted all of that. Now you've told me, could you call the police and tell them what you told me, then come and see me. I promise to do everything in my power to get her back."

Really went from 0 to 100 in this chapter lol but things are heating up!

Two exams down, three left. I want to crawl into a hole and sleep forever haha But...half-term is next week, so I'll have a glorious week off college...
Are people even interested in these life updates of mine...? lol 

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