Chapter 36

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Siyeon wakes, instantly remembering SuA's visit the night before. She must have fallen asleep in SuA's arms because she doesn't remember her leaving.

Stifling a yawn, she gets out of bed with a feeling of dread. It's a school day, meaning she'll have to skip some lessons.

Handong was mass-killing assassins. For no reason other than what seemed to be forcing them to confront each other.

The first thing she does is call Dahyun.

"What's up, Siyeon?" She asks cheerfully.

Siyeon rubs a hand over her face. "I think we should call a meeting. As soon as possible."

"Right." She accepts calmly. "How come?"

"SuA came to see me last night. She's told me some...disturbing things that you all need to hear and discuss about."

"Okay, I'll contact the others. Should I set the meeting for nine? Don't you have sch--"

"That's fine. See you soon." Siyeon hangs up abruptly, putting the idea of school out of her mind. It makes her feel guilty that she is deciding to truant from school when she promised Dami that she would try harder in education. "This is more important." She reminds herself with a shake of her head.

She leaves the room and sees Yoohyeon in her room on her phone as she passes by. "Morning." She attempts a light tone but fails, sounding more sorrowful.

Yoohyeon looks up. "Good morning. You don't look good."

She sighs and leans on the doorframe. "Um..." She's reluctant to say SuA's name. "There's been a meeting called this morning. It sounds kinda serious."

"Oh no." She frowns, putting her phone down. "This morning?"

"Nine. It's about eight now, so I'll be leaving soon."

"I hope everything turns out alright. You want me to make you breakfast?"

"Nah. I'll just take something to eat on the bus ride there. I'll obviously be missing some lessons."

She nods. "I understand. I hope it goes well."


Siyeon walks into the meeting room, seeing Dahyun was already there.

"Morning." She greets and sits opposite.

She looks up at her and grins. "Morning, the others are still on their way."

"Cool." She bites her lip nervously.

Luckily, someone enters and breaks the mood. JiU enters, immediately noting the uncomfortable look on Siyeon's face. "How are you both doing?"

"Good." Siyeon mumbles and JiU flumps down onto the seat next to her with high energy. "How do you have so much energy in the morning?"

"I eat food." She grins cheekily. "And...Gahyeon's awake!" The woman pulls her into a side hug as a twin smile crosses Siyeon's face.

"That's wonderful!" Siyeon tells her joyfully, heart bursting with the happiness that her friend was still alive. Their smiles stay fixed on their faces.

The conversation dies out as other people enter the room and sit at the table.

"So," Dahyun starts, looking around the table at the other six faces, finally resting on Siyeon. "Siyeon. You said that SuA visited you last night."

Siyeon nods, catching Matthew purposefully yawn. She steels her jaw and clears her throat. "Yes. She did. And she told me that Handong is killing off all of the independent assassins in this city."

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