"What's wrong with that? I actually really like British accent" commented Maryam.

"No its not that silly. Its just that her accent is a mix of American and British so when she speaks she will say some line that the British use in an American accent and I'll be like what? And the best part was yesterday we were all having dinner and she's going on about how cool her trip was, so we're all like okay go on. It was all good till she said quote,

"I was so gassed when they took me to see Windsor Castle." When she said that my family and I had an awkward moment and we were all like what!? I seriously thought she was having some bloating problem or something until she explained that gassed is slang for being excited."

Maryam and I couldn't stop laughing. The bell rang cutting us from our talk and I headed to spanish class. Class was same as usual as Ms.Cunningham started the class with a lecture and she gave us some worksheets to work on. I met a girl named Olivia and we worked on the worksheets together. Since the entire class was done early, we spent the last 10 minutes of class just chit chatting.

When I arrived in family studies class, I was early so I sat in my seat waiting for Hillary to arrive. I usually scroll through my phone to kill time but I decided it be best if I went to the washroom before class started. After I was done washing my hands, I looked at the mirror to see my reflection. Boy did I look like a zombie. I had dark bags under my eyes and looked paler than usual. The second bell rang indicating class had officially started so I went back to class. Hillary was in her seat and when she noticed me, she smiled. Ms.Mac was getting the overhead projector ready and was about to start speaking when Abdullah came stumbling into class.

"You're late Abdullah" Ms.Mac commented.

"Sorry Ms." Abdullah replied.

He was about to take his seat but just before he sat down, he winked at me then turned his back to me. How inappropriate. Hillary must have noticed because she gave me a questioning look.

"Okay class, so today you guys wont be to pleased with me but the school's printer broke so instead of me printing out the notes, you guys will have to write them down. So please take out a writing utensil and paper and start copying."

The class erupted with awwwws.

I took out my notebook and wore my reading glasses. When Hillary saw my glasses she whispered,

"You wear glasses since when?"

I replied," Since recently, but I only wear them sometimes like now to take down notes."

"I like them, you look cute in it" Hillary commented.

"Yeah like a nerd" I mumbled. Its true. I hate wearing glasses. If I had no choice and had to wear them, the minute class was over I would quickly take them off and throw them into my bag.

After a long and painful half an hour of note taking, Ms.Mac turned off the overhead projector and gave us a handout to work on. The handout was to list a couple of meals or combos in which we can have a bit of each of the food groups into one meal. Ms.Mac told us to brainstorm in pairs so Hillary and I worked together while Connor and Abraham were partners.

Suddenly I started to feel extremely dizzy and my vision was becoming off. I could hear Hillary asking me if I'm alright but I didn't get the chance to respong because I was pulled into a world of utter darkness.


The first thing I noticed was I was lying down on something and someone faintly calling my name.

"Aisha wake up, Aisha."

I slowly but very carefully opened my eyes to see a woman looking down at me with a creased forehead. She had blonde,straight hair which ended just under her shoulders. She looked like she was in her mid 30's.

"Thank God you're awake." She said.

Awake? What is she talking about. She seemed to notice my confusion so she continued,

"Aisha sweetie, you passed out in class and your friend brought you here. He wanted to stay but i shooed him off to class. How are you feeling dear?" she asked concern evident in her voice.

"Umm I'm still feeling light headed."

She nodded in anticipation.

"Are you on your period Aisha?"

I nodded.

"I called your mother and she will be here shortly. She told me you suffer from anemia time to time. This is quite normal as you are pretty slim and losing a lot of blood due to your period. I recommend taking iron pills. Do you take iron pills?"

"Yes I do normally but today I was in a rush to get to class that I completely forgot to take one." I replied.

"Okay so when you get home make sure to take your iron pill and eat lots of meat and beans. It will help increase your iron in the blood."

Mom came barging into the nurse's office with a worried look.

"Aisha are you alright?" Mom asked.

"Yes mom, I just kinda fainted..."

"What did I tell you about taking your iron pill? And did you eat your lunch?" She questioned me.

I just looked at her with a guilty expression on my face. Mom just sighed in exasperation.

"Don't worry Ms.Qazi, your daughter will be just fine."

Mom helped me get off the bed and I took my backpack which was lying on the floor next to the bed and went home. I took my iron pill and went to take a nap.

Later in the evening, Suleiman woke me up to come eat supper.

"Are you feeling better sis?" He asked me.

"Yeah I am Alhamdulillah."

"Do you want me to carry you down or are you good?" Suleiman asked.

I have him a disbelief look.

"I have legs you know. Just because I pass out once doenst mean I can no longer walk."

He just chuckled in response.

Mom and dad were already seated at the dining table. Mom had made roast beef, some fried legumes and rice. Mmm yummy. After dinner, I went tomy room and started checking my text messages. It turns out I had a few from Maryam and Hillary.

Hillary: Man are u alright?

Me:yeah im fine thnx

Hillary: lol its a good thing you were passed out cuz otherwise u would have freaked!

Me: 0_0

Hillary: Guess who eagerly carried you to the nurse's office?


Hillary: Abraham <3

Me: Ur bluffing. and wats up with the <3

Hillary: Im pretty sure he has a thing for u. Plus him and Abdullah were kinda arguing who will bring you in and at the end Abdullah ended up bringing in ur bag.

Me: that's so embarrassing :(

Hillary: aww its not that big a deal though. I mean u passed out so someone had to carry u to the nurse's office and i certainly couldn't carry u :P

Oh-my-God. Abdullah carried me? Not only did I pass out in class but a boy carried me? What an embarrassing day....

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