the coffee shop, josh

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its ironic to be honest that we're sat in a coffee shop. there really isn't much in this town. there's a coffee shop, a shitty local burger place, a couple of off licences, one Tesco and a cinema. but the cinema only shows old movies like the newest stuff it shows are like 3 years old. the burger place serves really shit food so no one really goes there unless there high or drunk. the Tesco is alright but its a Tesco so we don't go there. some of the off licenses are alright because they don't ID us but there the really shit ones. its where most of the people who smoke or drink go. the schools tell us not to drink and smoke yet a collage and a secondary school are right next to one of the dodgy off licenses that wouldn't past a health test if they tired. then theirs the coffee shop unlike most of the places that i just listed its actually alright. although when most of us get there all of the old people are still there by about 4 pm most of the collage and sixth from students are in there sat around laptops on the tables. we know the rules. so long as we don't fight and don't smoke in the building they don't really give a shit what we do. the coffee shop over the 6 years its been in the town its become one of the community pillars. mainly because not only is it a coffee shop but its also a comedy club and musical stage. the theatre shut down 5 years ago because it was falling down. they had comedy running out of there on Thursday nights and live music from everyone in the town on a Friday.  the guy who runs the coffee shop likes stuff like comedy and music so he agreed to run them out of his coffee shop. it really feels like im trying to write a historical blog or some shit for our  town but these features are important in the story i have to tell. but if you are thinking of coming to this little tow  of ours there also 3 pubs that you can go to. those never played a part in this story because they asked for ID if you tired to buy a drink. 

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