2nd Night

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I just arrived at my apartment and...Well, things are not that strange anymore, i guess you can say i finally accepted all the things that happened tonight, i mean today for that matter, and i dont think i regret anything, il be coming back today again to complete my shift, now i just need to gather more information of this godforsaken place known as Freddy Fazbear Pizza, but first, i need to take a loooong shower

As soon as i was ready to sleep the rest of the day, my cellphone started to ring, i took a look at it before answering and it was one of my friends, i wonder what he wants at this hour..."Jeremy you better have a good excuse to call at this hour" i wanted to tease him a little pretending i was sleeping the whole time, after all, none of my friends knew about my part time job yet "Ahh! im sorry, i was thinking you know" He responded with his trademark shy tone.

"Thinking? now thats some freaky stuff"

"Haha...well i was wondering if you are free today? i thought you and i could go see a movie you know, i bought tickets for this new one"

Is he asking me out? well, things sure are freaky

"A movie? well, i..."

I was plain exhausted, i didnt wanted to do anything for the day so i just rejected his offer, his intentions couldnt have been more obvious

"Look, im not really in the mood for anything right now im...kinda recovering from an injury"

Hope he belives this crap

"An injury!? what happened? do you want me to go take care of you? i-im willing to help"

He is very sweet, but sometimes he can be a total knucklehead, like this one time he forgot to turn off the stove in his house, or the other time where he thought carrots could really help his vision

"Nah, im ok dont worry about it, il be ok in no time"

"...Fine, just, dont force yourself ok?"

"Right, bye Jeremy"


Now, lets just get some fucking sleep, tonight is gonna be a loooong night too

12:00 AM

Crap! i feel asleep all the day literally! i hope the doors arent close yet. I runned as fast as i could towards the restaurant, for my luck, or bad luck thats debatable it was still open, i stopped in the front door just to catch a breath..."Ok, just repeat whatever you did last night Caroline, and you should be fine" after those words to myself, i entered the reception of the place, empty, doesnt suprised me much, even Michael has left by now from what i can see, i walked to the DINNING AREA just to see how freaking dark everything was, good thing i remembered the layout of the place so i could make my way to the Office with no problem, one thing that came to my mind was the kitchen though i tried to open it, but it was closed, the weirdest part was that the "door" was totally plain, almost if it was just a painting on the wall, i couldnt see a dorknoob either i jut tried to push it, then again, there wasnt much light so i couldnt see much anything, i gave up on the door and just continued my way to the office, i checked the hour, it was 12:30 mmmm, maybe is not gonna be a long night after all. I sat on my chair and just, waited, waited to something to happen,it was weird, i couldnt feel it before but this whole thing was a "once in a lifetime" experience, that was until the phone returned me back to earth, it was another pre-recorded message by the same guy from last night "Uhh, Hello? Hello? Uh, well, if you're hearing this you made it to day two, uh, congrats! I-I won't talk quite as long this time since Freddy and his friends tend to become more active as the week progresses. Uhh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk just to make sure everyone's in their proper place. You know..."
GOOD CALL! i checked the cameras as soon as he said that only to find out that Bonnie and Chica had already left the SHOWSTAGE but something was odd, Chica was in the DINNING AREA But Bonnie was at the end of the hallway, the odd things was, they are freaking active! i wonder if Chica remembers me, she gotta have to remember me right? i hope, that would make one less to worry about...Check the PIRATE COVE?...ok, Foxy doesnt seem to have moved yet so, everything is not that bad i guess, i just have to worry about Bonnie Also he could have mentioned the blind spots yesterday that is what really got me, Fucking phone guy...

Five Nights at Freddy's: The Night Shift (Yuri)Where stories live. Discover now