Perfect Criminal •Part 4•

Start from the beginning

"Y.. you! How did you get in? I know you're Intan! How did you pass the security!?" Asmodeous was frightened, all his acquaintance who once was his department officers were dead, including Valentine, Gabriel, and Azazel. He knew it was the bastard of his son, he knew he never died. Yet he never was able to find him and kill him with his own hands, and now here he was, wearing the mask of a serial killer.

The man smirked, got up as he kept twisting the blade between his fingers.

"Hello, father! Goodbye, father!"

"No!" Asmodeous dodged as the man tried to grab his hand but dropped his cane in the process, and ran towards the door as he shouted on top of his lungs for anyone to hear his screams.


"I'm amazed by how you bear his arrogance all these months! Honestly, I was getting a weird vibe from him." Jia confessed.

"That man is mysterious in the wrong ways. I never liked his unnecessary demands but we can't afford our... sorry your department sued just because of his arrogance."

Jia chuckled then looked at Alec thoughtfully. "I don't understand, Alec. Why have you quit the job? As far as I know, you loved it. You were best at what you did, every investigation, every case. A perfect leader. Honestly speaking, I always was jealous of you. I wanted this post, but not like this."

Alec sighed, he knew questions like these are going to be asked but he wanted this. "Personal reasons, Jia. I'm not even sure I'll be in New York in a few years. I just can't continue with this job and I can't answer these questions either. Sorry."

"Wait, you're moving out? When? Maryse didn't say anything to me. I'll kill my sister for hiding something like that from me!"

"Woah! Calm down aunt Jia, no one knows this. You're the first one to know, and I said a few years, I'll tell them when I'll be ready to move out. Now zip it!"

"Hey!" Jia smacked her sororal nephew's head. "Don't call me aunt, I look much younger than your mother!"

"Ow! Really Jia, can you say that in front of mom?"

"Alec Lightw-"


Jia and Alec exchanged a look and started running towards Asmodeous' room, where the scream came from, they were already towards the end of the staircase and Asmodeous' room was on the first floor.

"Really, not even my first day as SAC and this already. How did the killer get in!?" Jia exclaimed.

"No idea, but you have an opportunity. Make your first day great by killing this bastard!"

"Hope that happens!" Jia said while panting and took out her gun. They were now outside Asmodeous' room and Alec kicked the door open and took out his gun too.

As soon as they entered the room, their eyes widened. Asmodeous was laying on the floor with blood pouring from the slit on his throat, his eyes were wide open with shock, his right arm was bend at weird angle confirming the fact his bones were broken, but there was one difference his privates weren't zipped inside his pants, instead they were wide on display with the ribbon tied on it like a bow.

"FREEZE! FBI!" Jia shouted as soon as she spotted the killer near the balcony. "Don't try to act or I'll shoot you!"  Alec was behind her, pointing his gun at the killer too. As soon as his eyes met the killer's, he nodded slowly, making sure Jia's focus was on the killer.

The killer didn't listen, instead, he started running towards the edge of the balcony, blocking the way by throwing all the plants on the floor.

"I told you to stop, you bastard!" She shot her gun just as the killer was about to jump, injuring his left leg in the process, but he successfully jumped out of the balcony, before both the cops could catch him. Jia and Alec shot multiple bullets at him as he kept running.

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