1 (The Dark Hour)

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-edited wed 10.5.17-

Time never waits.

It delivers all equally to the same end.

You, who wish to safeguard the future,

However limited it may be...

You will be given one year;

go forth without falter.

With your heart as your guide...

"Due to a malfunction in the switching system, today's rail schedule has been greatly altered. We apologize to any customers who were in a hurry. The next stop is Iwatodai...Iwatodai."

"Wake up dear, this is the last stop" a gentle tap on my shoulder woke me up from my sleep. An old lady gives me a soothing smile before she proceeds to leave the train like the rest of the passengers.

I didn't particularly remember how I fell asleep that almost made me miss my stop. I didn't hear the announcement, it must have been my MP3 that was on full blast.

But the dream, it has been a long time since I ever had that dream. It came back tonight, haunting me on the train back to my hometown.


The place where the accident happened that left me scared for life.

And this time, a blue butterfly was at the end of the dream.

I quickly grab my duffel bag and shuffle my play list on my MP3 player before heading out of the train.

"Burn my dread-"

Tired workers carried their bags with slumped shoulders, drunk adults who had too much fun, and being the odd one, I made my way through the crowd.

I head out of the train station and the place is almost deserted. The announcement bell rings from the station and a voice of a woman is projected through the announcement.

"That marks the end of todays train schedule. Thank you for choosing Kiriijo Railways. It is now midni-"

The announcement suddenly drop at the same time my MP3 player stop playing. I halt myself and realise that the light streets are out, cars stop moving without a reason in the middle of the road.

The sudden drop of temperature send chills to my spine, and I know something is seriously wrong. Only the brightness of the moon occupies the street.

Something is calling me to look up, as if a magnetic force was forcing me to turn my head up. The Moon, it is eerily big, almost unnatural. The Moon loomed at the cloudless sky, not a single star can be seen.

I grip my duffel bag and fasten my pace. I walk pass a Nissan car and take a quick look inside and one cold coffin is on the driver seat.

I took a step back and I could feel blood draining from my face. What kind of sick prank is this? I fish out my phone from my pocket to call the cops and curse out of frustration when it isn't working. My phone works perfectly fine before this and the battery was on 90%.

My instinct took over and I ran towards my supposed destination, the dormitory which isn't that far from the station. Adrenaline kick in. I thanked God that I had studied the map of this town beforehand in the train to kill some time.

I can sense that it isn't safe out here and I am out of breathe when I finally see the dormitory building. Being the only building with the lights on, it send a gush of hope that the dorm is a safe haven that will keep me safe.

The feeling of relief didn't last long when I sensed something lurking in the darkness. I couldn't pinpoint from where it came from, but I knew it was near from the foul stench that the creature of the dark emitted.

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