33 (Pencil)

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I will always occupy my time after school on Monday and Saturday for Akihiko. Those will be the only days where he won't have his boxing training and he will always make time for me

Usually, I'll peek from upstairs just to see him leaning against the corridor with his signature red vest hangs on his shoulder. He will be eyeing every single person that comes down of the stairs, making the girls blush when they thought he was looking at them.

And his eyes will lit up when he sees me coming down from the staircase.

I sigh at the memories as I walk down the staircase and stand at the same corner where he will usually be, except this time, he isn't here.

And it is a Monday.

"Yo Mina-chan!" A voice startled me and I turned around to find a friend of Akihiko standing behind me.

"Whazzup with the long face, Akihiko is at the boxing room if you are looking for him" he grins at me but then his face turns puzzled.

"But he seems kinda off. He never goes for training on Mondays and Sats" he looks at me with a suspicious glare.

"I swear he's going crazy, hitting the sandbag ever since coffee break. He didn't even come to class. Do you know what- hey where you going?!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I just walk pass him and run all I can. Everywhere reminds me of him and it makes me feel shitti er than ever.

I need something to take my mind off him. I need something to make me forget about the fireworks. The kiss.

Yet, I still find myself coming to the Shrine, the place we shared a moment together just to clear up my head. This place is a perfect place for me to find my inner peace.

The sky turns into an angry red, and the birds are home. Walking slowly, the night has already settled in when I arrived at the dorm

I walk into the dormitory and puff out a sigh. I notice the foyer is empty and I thank the lord that no one will realised my tear-brimmed eyes.

"Thank God, no one is here" I let out.


I turn my head towards the source, there leaning againt the walls at the near the counter, is Shinjiro. His being still brings about a mysterious and dark aura. He eyes me up and down looking at my messed up condition.

After what happened, I couldn't get things right. Together with the horrible dream, I woke up late and didn't even have the time to comb my hair properly. My hair is all over the place with few pins sticking out of my hair.

"You look like sh-it" he stated.

"Well, no sh-it Sherlock, thank you" I rolled my eyes at him, slightly annoyed.

"Aki too" he said.

My face flattens at hearing his name "What do you mean?"

"He looks like sh-it too"

I bite my lips, not digging the way this conversation is going. I tried changing the topic by bringing up the most random question that pops into my mind.

"Hey, wanna grab a bite?" I asked.

His face doesnt budge much "I'm not the type of guy you want to hang out with Minako"

I pout at him "Well as a leader I think I should get to know my team members more and this is my way of doing that. What do you say?" I gives out my best smile at him.

"Well your other method is surely something if it involves sneaking into my room" he replied coldly.

My face hardens "What the hell Shinjiro. I was cleaning your room and I fell asleep. Goddammit its just a bite, if you dont wan't to go you should have just said it you don't have to be a jerk about it" I flared.

He lets out a breathe and walk towards me "Man you are annoying, let's go then" before he walks pass me, his hand goes over my head as if he wants to pick out something from my hair.

"What the hell are you doing!" I grab his hand which was on top of my head. His large hand is cold compared to mine.

He just continues to yank my hand away like a mosquito and I could feel something long sliding over my hair. Some of my hair fell over my shoulder as he pulls out the object from my bun.

He puts the object directly infront of my face, only a few inch from my nose and my eyes finally recognised the object.

A pencil.

I remember stucking the pencil into my poorly tied bun during History class yesterday and I totally forgot about it. The thought of me making the whole day in school with a pencil stuck in my hair makes me flushed in embarrasement.

Still dumbfounded, he swiftly spins the pencil and taps my nose with the rubber part of the pencil. I yelp out in shock.

"What was that for!?" I exclaim as I rub my nose which is red now. He gives a forced smile and slides the pencil into my pocket before walking towards the door.

"You coming or not?" he groans when he notices that I'm not budging.

I tied up my hair properly, using the same hairband he gave me when we first met at the alley. The day he saved me.


Hello guys, a short and simple chapter for today as im currently busy with exams. I'll write longer for the next chapter. What do you think of the chapter? Which scene do you want me to write about? Do comment and vote!

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