30 (Sunflower)

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"Arisato, can I ask you for a favour if you're free this evening?" Mitsuru approaches me right after I close the door of the dormitory.

"The hired caretaker couldn't make it today due to certain circumstances, can you help to tidy up Aragaki's room?" I nod my head, as cleaning up rooms has always been a habit of mine since I was transferred to the orphanage after the death of my parents.

"All of the members are busy today, so the dormitory is all to yourself. I'm heading back to school for Student Council work" She says her goodbye and closes the door. I quickly get up to my two standing feets and make my way up to the boys' level.

I open the vacant room before Akihiko's room and analyse the room. I sigh at the number of cobwebs at the ceiling, the dusty table and I swear I saw a rat running around just now.

After fetching the broom in the store, I switch in my music player and the cleaning process starts! Some sweeping here, some wiping there, some sneezing there and wallah! My work here is done!

I sniff the room and it stills smells like old gyms clothes. I yuck in disgust and search for some air freshener at the store, but sadly there was none.

As a last resort, I rummage through my bag and pull out my vanilla perfume. My original plan was to spray just enough for the room to fight of the old gym socks smell for awhile, but somehow my hand had betrayed me and that was why the room smelt like someone had spilled their perfume on the carpet.

The room still retains the simple look, with the boring blue bedsheet but it has a woman's touch in it. I put a vase which placed a bright sunflower which I had bought for myself on my way back, but thought that maybe the sunflower could radiate happiness in this room.

My mind wonder of how he is always alone, his eyes filled with regrets and sorrow, his back hunched as if he is carrying a huge burden on his back. I smiled at the sight of the lively sunflower.

"Hope he likes it" i whisper to myself

Tiredness starts to consume me and after I am able to satisfy myself of the condition of the room, I decide to head back to my room.

I switch off the light before I get out of the room, I notice I left my phone on his nicely stretched bed. My phone buzzed when I was about to take it. The phone flashes a message from Rio.

I decide to sit on his bed for awhile in the dark, to exchange message to Rio about her crush. I yelp in excitement after she messaged me about her already making the first move.

From sitting, I didn't realized that I was already laying on his bed, with the lit conversation of me and Rio, and after a while waiting for her to reply my message, the words on my phone slowly mixed with the darkness and tiredness, and soon I realized everything was black.

"Nobody had touched my room, am I correct?" Shinjiro asked Akihiko as soon as he arrived at the lounge of the dormitory.

Shinjiro eyed the lounge. Nothing had changed since he left, the lounge of the dormitory still had the touch of Mitsuru, classy and elegant. He was not that fond of the theme as it seemed like the lounge of a hotel, not a dormitory. But it didn't matter as it was never in his plan to be a residence here for too long.

"Nobody messes up your room, they'll receive a death wish" Akihiko chuckled and both of them went upstairs to the 2nd level.

"I'm going to the toilet. I'll give space for you to pack. Dinner is in another 3 hours!" Akihiko went to toilet and Shinjiro carried a small box with him and opened the first room of the level. The room was pitched black and he expected to smell an old dusty room kind of smell, but instead a rush of vanilla scent bombarded his air system.

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