"You guys still want pizza...?"



"Here's your food," the waitress smiled, sliding two large pizzas down onto the red topped table. The first was a regular pepperoni, while the second was a much preferred pepperoni and onion. The lady bowed to all of them, her hands pressed to her apron, and scurried off to attend the other customers.

Chan hummed, immediately reaching for the largest piece of the pepperoni and onion. He acted the fastest, yet everyone else soon reacted, too. Within seconds, the first pizza was almost gone.

"You, guys," Soonyoung chuckled, gently shaking his head.

"Says the second one to get a piece."

Soonyoung sent piercing eyes over at their youngest friend. His foot tapped mindlessly on the black and white tiled ground as he ate, only looking up from the table when he was addressed directly. His thoughts were blank, and he loved it; if he were to think, he would think of Jihoon, and he needed a break, even if just for a few minutes. He needed to give his insides time to thaw before they refroze yet again.

"So when did you two get together?" Junhui asked Mingyu curiously, his eyes wide with interest. "You stopped by the shop only, like, a week or two ago."

Wonwoo's jaw stilled itself, no longer moving and chewing his food. He took in a silent breath of air, then continued, not responding.

Mingyu rolled his eyes. "Actually, only a couple days ago."

"Oh, really?"


"Lucky," Minghao couldn't help but mumble to himself, his lips pulling back into a slight pout. His fingers were tapping against his thigh anxiously as he said this. Junhui had yet to comment about their kiss--in fact, he hadn't even really acknowledged the fact that it had happened--and he wouldn't be lying if he said that he was scared of the impending answer.

Junhui frowned at him. "Minghao..."

"Sorry, sorry. Later, then."

"Aaaaaanyway," Mingyu continued awkwardly, sensing the tension between the two males and trying to change the subject. "How are you, Soonyoung? You haven't said much."

The blonde flinched and slowly looked up. "O-oh. I'm okay. Thanks." He offered a soft smile, then turned back to his half eaten pizza slice. His eyes narrowed.

Am I really wanted here?

He couldn't help but think it. Everyone was so happy, and yet, he was just...

Only seconds later he was standing up out of his seat. "I think I'm gonna go." He looked uncertainly around the table at everyone's shocked faces, nodding to himself. "Yeah... See you guys later."

With another sigh, he pushed in his chair, leaving his pizza behind, and headed for the door. He didn't know just what he was doing or why he was doing it; the only thing in his mind was a sudden sadness, a sudden reminder that everyone around him had someone and was happy, but he was just... there--ruining everyone else's good time with his loneliness.

He was pathetic.

He wouldn't force them to deal with him.

He stuck his hands in his coat pockets as he bustled down the street, eyes glued to the cement, his breath coming in short huffs. His cheeks were tinged with cold, not from the wind, but from the frost crawling all throughout his insides, freezing every atom that made him himself.

Jihoon, Jihoon, Jihoon...

With Jihoon, he wouldn't be cold, wouldn't be sad, wouldn't be absolutely miserable. That thought was almost his savior, but only for a short moment.

Jihoon couldn't be with him.

Jihoon didn't want to be with him.

So here he was, destined to remain cold and sad and miserable.

Destined to remain alone.

He smiled wryly when he noticed the ever familiar crack in the sidewalk. It was long, with scrawny veins stretching out in every direction, like the branches of a tree. It was a crack that signaled that he was now walking up the sidewalk to his home, where he could collapse onto his bed and allow the strength to drain from his body.

But then...


The male went rigid.

His breathing quickly became shaky, his fingers trembling within his pockets. "J-j..." He looked up, panicked and nervous and relieved all at once, to find that a short, familiar, and breathtaking man stood at his doorstep, watching him in a way that couldn't be described with words. "Jihoon," he breathed out.


I finally read the lyrics to To Be or Not To Be and... wow, that was painful

Anyway, I move that we take a stand to protect ohaew at all costs!

- Author 🖤

𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ☾︎ soonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now