Overcome with emotions, he slowly brought his hands up to cup his love's cheeks, his heart fervent. He wanted to stay frozen here forever: forever in this moment, forever in love, forever with Jihoon.

His thoughts soon began to halt as his heart began to slow. For a second, he had almost forgotten everything; all he knew was that he was trapped in a memory. Yet when something pinched at his neck, sending a shock to his senses, he was ripped from the world he once knew.

"Now do you believe me?" Jihoon finally pulled away from Soonyoung, his cheeks beginning to flush. He had pinched the hilt of the blonde's neck, to make it seem as if there had been a hicky there. He wasn't sure if he had done enough to prove to that stupid ex that they were really "together," but he hoped.

The watching eyes very silently turned back to the work they were supposed to have been focusing on, and the ex, too, without a word, bowed at a 25° angle before rushing out of the shop, looking the same way he did last time: like he was about to cry.

Soonyoung bashfully cast his gaze down at his feet. He could have sworn that only seconds before, his toes were curling in a bed of green grass. "Thank you... for doing that," he whispered, but his heart was screaming that he was lying. Truthfully, he wasn't at all thankful. Now he would be forced to remember so much more--to dwell on the feel of Jihoon's plush lips--while the shorter male continued to remain oblivious.

Once again, he would be suffering alone.

Jihoon hummed and offered a faint smile. "You're welcome..." He stopped for just a second, then, gazing into Soonyoung's eyes, searching for something unknown to him, before he turned to retrieve the forgotten pink carnation. "Here." He uncurled his fingers from around the stem and tucked the flower into the front pocket of Soonyoung's work apron, ignoring the leaves that poked out from the top. "See you again soon."

And with just that, he left, and the world was suddenly bustling with sound.

"What was that about?!"

"He kissed... He kissed you!"

"Will holding Wonho make you feel better...?"

"He does know he just told you he would never forget you, right?"

"Do you need a moment alone?"

"Are you okay?"

"He had no idea what he was doing, huh...?"

"At least that ex will finally fuck off..."



The voices instantly silenced themselves.

"Could one of you bring me Wonho?"

Junhui, not missing a beat, nodded at his friend's request. He knew that the male that just kissed him was Jihoon, and he knew about the sensitive past concerning the two. He was aware of the fact that Soonyoung's heart must have been breaking from within his ribcage; the least he could do was make him feel better by handing over the precious bunny rabbit.

He slipped his fingers beneath the animal's fur covered stomach and lifted him out of his play pin, holding him to his chest. He walked over to his friend and, without hesitation, set the rabbit in Soonyoung's arms.

𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ☾︎ soonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now