Nineteen Years Later

Start from the beginning

"Hi," I said to them. The three of us kept in touch, both were currently living in England. Dasha's husband stood behind her. He was a quiet fellow named Tate and they only had one son, who was a genius just like her. Their son Malachi was beginning his first year. Malachi and Silvius were friends, being that they were close in age.

"Mom!" Eowyn's daughter Saoirse complained. "Let's hurry to the back of the train! You know I need to get good seats!" Saoirse was one of Eowyn's three children, yet Eowyn wasn't married. She was married to Saoirse and Ainè's father for a few years before they divorced. I think she was currently dating a Russian Wizard named Dimitri. Saoirse was going into her third year while Ainè was going into her second year with Silvius. All of our children were in Slytherin. I guess it just ran in our blood.

"Alright, alright," Eowyn said rolling her eyes at her daughter. The flaming red hair and hyper personality must run in her blood, because all of her children had it. Even four year old Ciara had it. "Catch up with you later." Eowyn said as she was towed away by her daughter.

"Come on Silvius," Ainè said grabbing his hand and flashing him a wide smile causing him to flinch while she began dragging him away. I think he liked her but was too afraid to show it, or too intimidated. "Malachi you too, you need to meet some Slytherins." Dasha hugged her shy son goodbye and I saw a tear form in her eye as he walked away a bit frightened and stood next Ainè.

"Have a great year sweetie," I said bending down and hugging Silvius tightly. He smiled up at me, "I love you." I said to him before releasing him away from his hug. He quickly hugged Draco before stepping back and grabbing his trunk.

"Have a nice year," Draco called to him. "Stay out of trouble."

"Look who's talking," I whispered with a laugh.

"Don't get me started on who used to cause the trouble," Draco responded back. Dasha laughed and rolled her eyes at us as our children walked towards the back. Malachi looked frightened as Ainè dragged him and Silvius away by their wrist.

"Do you two ever stop?" Dasha said walking past us. "I would stay and chat, but I should probably at least stand by the window in cause my son has a panic attack." I laughed as her husband and she walked down the end of the train. Elina was now being held by Draco as she begged him to let her on the train.

Just then Harry Potter walked in with his wife Ginny. They had three kids James, Albus, and Lily. Ron and Hermione walked in as well with their two kids Hugo and Rose. James was in the same year as Silvius and from what I heard, they had a bit of rivalry but I'm sure they'd eventually work it out. I most definitely kept in touch with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I frequently saw them at the Ministry of Magic. Harry caught sight of me from a far and smiled with a wave. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny did as well. "Be nice," I whispered to Draco.

"Aren't I always?" he responded with a laugh and nodded at them. I was very proud of how mature he became around them. Finally Draco let the whole 'famous Harry Potter' thing go. Yet Draco's still convinced he'll be Minister one day.

"Where's Silvius?" a voice from behind me said and I turned to see Veronica's twins Alice and Niall standing behind me. From behind Veronica and Sonny were approaching hand in hand. I was the maid of honor at her wedding, she married not soon after me. The twins were in their second year with Silvius.

"He already got his seats," I said to them. "They went to the back compartment." They both quickly hugged Veronica and Sonny goodbye before rushing off to the train. Every child was running around excited for their days back at Hogwarts. I was just glad that it was safe.

The horn signaled and I watched as last minute kids ran towards the change. "Wait!" I heard someone call and knew immediately who it was. Anthony Ryfeld Jr. ran pulling his trunk. "Bye Dad! Bye Mom!" he yelled as she ran onto the train, jumping through the door just as the train was moving. He was another spitting image of Jake, the tan skin and dark hair, yet he had his mother's light blue eyes. Anthony was going into his fourth year at Hogwarts and he was in Gryffindor.

"Just in time," Jake said coming up from behind me with a laugh. Monique was standing behind me holding a curly blonde haired girl who was four named Clara and holding Jake's hand was a girl who was seven with curly brown hair named Helene.

"Helene," Elina said pulling her hand away from Draco and walking over to Jake's daughter. The two got along great and every time we visited one another they always played together. In a few years they'll go to Hogwarts together. Jake and I always debate on which house they'll be in. I say they'll both be in Slytherin, because they both have their little stubborn attitudes. Jake believes both will be in Gryffindor because of their adventurous personality.

"More like lucky you made it in time," I said to him. "Nice to see both of you." I said smiling over at Monique.

"And I thought I was going to be the late one," Veronica said with a laugh.

"Ron's over there," Sonny said to her smiling. "Want to go say hi?" Veronica agreed and said goodbye to me, promising that we would catch up after. The train picked up speed. Children hung out the window waving and smiling to their parents. We watched as Jake's son passed with his friends and waved.

"Since we're all the way here in London," Jake said to us. "Malfoy you hosting a party?" He laughed. Jake loved coming over to Malfoy Manor. Now that it was no longer officially Death Eater Headquarters it was actually pretty amazing.

"Aren't I always hosting a party Ryfeld," Draco responded and I shook my head. It's nice to see that they're at least joking. The four of us stood smiling as the train passed. I watched as it finally came to the back of the train and all of our children were waving out the window. Silvius was hanging out the window smiling with his friends around him.

"Hey, remember when you knocked me over on the train?" I asked him with a laugh, remembering my very first day of Hogwarts when I crashed into him on the train. I remember Jake had defended me. Strange how things turn out sometimes.

"Memories," Draco said with humor in his voice as he put his arm around my waist. "It felt like yesterday."

 Actually, I'll make the authors note in a new chapter. So how do you feel about their futures? Thanks so much for reading...

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