Chapter 23- Examinations

Start from the beginning

"Okay everyone, clear your desks, we'll be starting now." He said fiddling with the stack of papers in his hand. I had already had a clear desk and just waited for him to get to me and give me the test so I could get it over with.

Waiting for the paper made me more anxious than the actual writing of the test. He took his fine time placing each packet on each test and finally he reached the back row.

"Good luck." He said as the paper hit my desk. I fake smiled and rolled my eyes the second he turned his back. He made his way to the front trying to be dramatic but it only looked stupid. We weren't in a movie and he wasn't some Swiss boarding school educator.

"Okay you have exactly an hour, you can start." He said and I opened the packet taking a look. I sighed in relief because everything that Luke and I did, came. I was sure that I would be fine.

As my pen hit the paper, I looked down and wouldn't look up. I was in a world of numbers and formulas. I still hated it, but at least I wasn't sitting confused.

A frantic opening of the door interrupted my math trans and sure enough a very confused and messy haired Luke stumbled in.

"Sorry alarm totally lagged." He said looking like he put on the first thing he saw and ran. I almost chuckled at his excuse since it was exactly the same as mine from a few days back. The irony was unbearable.

"Well I've heard that one before." The teacher said looking straight at me and I looked away, not giving him the satisfaction.

"Take a seat." He said annoyed and Luke took the seat next to me, like I hoped he would. Thankfully I didn't need his help.

I turned my attention to stressed out Luke and smirked slightly, almost asking for a silent explanation for whatever that was. He smiled back shaking his head, almost saying that it was weird and long story. I rolled my eyes in response, saying that it was probably some bullshit reason and he laughed silently as an answer.

I stopped myself wondering why I understood the weird communication that was silent. I shook my head to stop the weird interaction and asked myself why even understood that.

I continued my concentration on the test and continued to work. I made it to the second page and was almost halfway done it. I secretly glanced at Luke's paper to see that he was finished the first page and had started the second. I shook my head in disbelief as to how fast he was able to do all of it. He wasn't even concentrating he just wrote and even sang something silently.


After countless calculating, I made it to the last page and I still had twenty minutes left. Luke had already finished and just waited for the teacher to take his test. He sat bored at his seat and just tapped his feet in impatience.

Alas, I was done with the test and looked it over once more before folding it over and waiting for the minutes to go by. I felt the teacher's glare at me all the time to see if I was cheating or whatever but I was gladly disappointing him. I studied and I felt good with it. I had no doubts that I passed it.

"Okay time's up!" He chirped and walked through the class. Everyone handed him the tests, but I just slid mine forward for him to take himself. He was surely capable of that. I folded my arms and sat in my spot and waited until he took it. My attitude was not passable and he noticed it. Very much so, in fact.

"I'll have them graded by our next lesson, so you won't wait long." He said and the bell rang. I quickly packed up the remaining items on my desk and rushed out. As I left the classroom, I felt the pressure in my chest evaporate and I just took a long deep breath that I really needed.

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