I'm Not Gonna Teach Him How To Dance With You (HinataXKomaeda)

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(Inspired by the song (which I really like tbh) and that one episode of Glee, I hope you enjoy!)

: Hajime :


"Hajime. Aren't you excited?" Chiaki pulled my arm, snapping me back from the gaze I had on the window. She blinked quickly. I nodded. "Uh yeah," I said with so much uncertainty she wasn't going to believe it. "Chiaki he's probably just nervous. He hasn't even been to our school before. You're lucky they let him in now." Makoto, one of our two closest friends joked. Next to him was his date, Kyoko Kirigiri. They had been dating for a while so it made more sense than Chiaki and I. We weren't dating exactly, but...I did like her.

Did I? I don't know. Maybe. It's hard for me to even decide.

Kyoko laughed at his 'joke'. "He'll be alright. It's just a school after all."

"Yeah, but a prestigious school." Chiaki corrected. Not sure why she had to.

"You don't have to correct him." One of our other friends chimed in, Kaede Akamatsu. Her date was sitting next to her, Shuichi Saihara. I always just called him the boy version of Kyoko. Minus the gloves. They are hardly different. 

"It's okay. Really guys." I spoke up. This argument was going nowhere but back in our faces. I looked at Chiaki. "I'm nervous but not about the school." I shuffled against the limo seat. "I've never been to a dance."

"Never?" Chiaki questioned my word back at me. She had wide eyes at that moment. I shook my head. "Nope. Never. This is my first time."

"That makes more sense," Shuichi said, taking a sip from his drink on the table. We all had a small wine glass on our tables filled with some sort of drink. I didn't know what but my first thought was alcohol. Chiaki didn't drink hers. Which supported my theory that it was alcohol. I grabbed mine and also took a large sip. Yep, alcohol. I felt my face crumple at the taste. Chiaki looked at me, probably hearing the noises I made from drinking it. "Are you okay?"

I bounced my tongue off the roof of my mouth. "Yeah. Good. Just didn't know what to expect in here that's all."

"Getting a little tipsy is always a necessity," Makoto smirked. Never expected him to say something along those lines. The sweet innocent Makoto, who was always that kid at the party who drove his drunk friends home. Well, obviously he can't be considered that sweet anymore.

The parking lot we eventually pulled into was nothing short of crowded with cars. I personally didn't appreciate the crowd but I knew maybe others at our school would. Socialize with all the students around. I would tag along. Mostly with Chiaki sense she was my date.

When the limo pulled in to park we all started filing out of it. A cold breeze hit as I left it. And the limo left next. I looked up to the school. Hope's Peak. The prestigious school for talented rich kids. I went to the opposite. The reserve course. The normal kids who paid and begged to get into the main course.

It was pathetic even trying. But even so I--

"Hajime." Chiaki suddenly pulled at my arm, her bright eyes showing confusion. "Come on. We can't wait outside forever."

"Right," I said as I started to subtly snap back into the moment i was in. In front of the school, right. I inhaled heavily. "Yeah. You're right. Let's get inside then." Chiaki jumped up, looking and exchanging glances to the other couples, then facing front. I couldn't keep my feet planted into the ground, Chiaki started pulling me to the door, and of course, by instinct, I followed. Makoto moved in front of us and opened the door for the girls, helping Kyoko in first. He held her back briefly. Then, Shuichi and Kaede went in, followed by Chiaki and me, arms linked.

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