" Oh God that's even worst!" Said Kirishima as he laughed, " Dude! Are you girl! Are you one of those Crazy fan Girls of that guy!" Said Kaminari as he laughed 

" Hey! Justin Beiber is cute!" Said Mina, " His songs are not that bad" Said Jirou and Some of the boys started to laugh.

" I'm Sorry, But that's lies, Anyways Let's go! Why are we here talking about the Justin Weiner!" Said Spider-Man as he walks out of the dorms with the others.

" Hey! Beiber is my third Senpai! He is next to Miku, Before Danny Devito" Said Deadpool, " Good luck you four! And stay safe!" Shouted Iida and Other Wished them Luck as well as they walk away.

" So....You three want to hear BTS while walking?" Said Deadpool and The three boys looked at him with a Annoyed Face and Deadpool Looked away, " fine!" Said Deadpool

After a while of walking, The four heroes...Well actually Three heroes and One anti-Hero are on top of a Building with Binoculars and Looking around

Bakugou is Growling and He shouts " This isn't Helping Peter! This is Fucking Stupid! We should of split up instead!" Shouted Bakugou and Peter looks at him, " Look, Silver samurai can be anywhere, And if we split up and at least one of us spots him, He will just Teleport away, So it's better if we get at him as one" Said Spider-Man as he goes back on the search.

Midoryia looks at Deadpool because he's been starring at the same spot for the past 6 Minutes and He walked to him, " Deadpool you've been watching the exact same spot for a while, you should look somewhere else" Said Midoryia and Deadpool shaked his head no as he kept Starring at a Window from the top of the Building.

" Ok what are you even looking at?" Said Midoryia and Deadpool gaved him a sign to come over here, Midoryia walked and layed on his stomach and Deadpool pointed at a window, Midoryia then Looks with his Binoculars and what he sees is Rumi Usagiyama A.K.A Miruko getting undressed as she was going in the showers, Midoryia Panicked so badly as he dropped his Binoculars and Deadpool just starred.

" Deadpool!! That's just weird!" Yelled Midoryia, " Come on Playboy bunny....Rub that Strong ass!" Said Deadpool 

Spider-Man notices without even Looking at him, " Wade, If you are watching Miruko Getting undressed, You are so dead man, She is not someone to Mess with" Said Spider-Man, " I don't care, She can Slam me on the ground and Eat my Carrot any time and Any day" Said Deadpool

" You are really gross you red turd" said Bakugou as he went back at on the Search, Until he spots over 35 Ninja look a likes in Motorcycles chasing after a Truck, " Uh...I think I spot his Henchmen" Said Bukugou and Spider-Man and Midoryia Rushed and Spider-Man takes a look

" That's his clan! Ok Come om, Let's do this!" Said Spider-Man and he looks at Deadpool, " That means you too wade" Said Spider-Man

" hold on! I am Watching a Buff Bugs Bunny" Says Deadpool as he Keeps watching Miruko Taking a shower and Bakugou walks to him and Raised his hand, " Howitzer Impact!" Yelled Bakugou as he made a Huge explosion sending Deadpool flying to the crime scene and Deadpool shouts " ASSSSSSHHHHHHHOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE" 

" Ok thanks for that Bakugou, Now let's do this!" Said Peter as shoots a web string then swings into action and takes out his Katana, Midoryia started to Cowl and leaped fast to building to building, And Bakugou Jumped and places his arms behind as his palms started to boost him quick into the crime scene.

As Silver's samurai's clan are riding their motorcycles while chasing a truck, Deadpool lands on one of the Riders knocking him out of the Motorcycle and making him roll on the road, Bakugou then reaches out his arm and Shoots a AP Shot All over the Motorcycle Ninjas, The drivers of the Truck stop as the truck is spinning out of control and stops, The drivers fleed

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