
393 9 13

Monday June 29,2020

The news are talking about Silver Samurai's destruction in the forests, Making Trees going down like Toy's R us ( Sorry I had to XD), Properties being sliced in half, and Many more. The news reporter also states that The pro Heroes are trying to stop this villain but he will just Teleport away because he only wants to fight Spider-Man, Class 1-A are watching the News as they Play a Recent Clip of Spider-Man's Brawl with Silver Samurai in the park that was caught by a Street Camera.

" This Guy can cut through anything, Is there anything he can't cut through or something?" Said Sato, " I doubt it, Just look at the speed of that sword move, Who knows he can't cut through anything" Said Tokoyami 

" Well duh! His sword has Tachyon Field" Said Peter as he is sitting in the small Couch with Casts on his Hands and a Leg Cast as well.

" Wait, What is Tachyon Field?" Questioned Mineta.

Momo Walks to Peter with a cup of tea and she Responds to Mineta's Question " Tachyon Field is a hypothetical particle that always travels faster than light. Most physicists believe that faster-than-light particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known laws of physics" Said Momo as she is besides Peter puts the tea cup slowly to Peter lips and He takes a soft sip.

" Is that Even real? Is it even Possible for Tachyon Field to exist?" Said Kaminari, " Well, Silver Samurai does have that in his sword, So I believe it's Possible only for him" Said Momo

" That's just because he is a Mutant" Said Peter, " When I Get out off these Cast, Ooh! I am so gonna find him" Said Peter

" I am sorry Parker! but we can't let you do that" Said Iida, " What!? Did you guys even heard me back in the Hospital!? He only wants me!" Said Peter, " Plus I have to wait Sic or Eight Weeks for these stupid Wounds!" Peter said as he waves his Cast hands.

" Well it was your fault for Grabbing his blade to stop his attack peter" Said Jirou, " I had nothing else to think of to avoid it jirou" Said Peter in a Pissed of tone. Midoryia and Tsuyu enter the dorms.

" Midoryia, Tsu, was she their?"  Said Iida, " Yea she was, Mei was traveling for the past week, She said she will fix up your web shooters in around a Week Peter" Said Midoryia.

" Oh thank goodness, I just need to fix my suit....Momo chan can you fix my suit" Said Peter, " But she said....She is gonna give it some upgrades" Said Tsuyu and Peter turns around to them quick and his voice is a bit worried, " W-what do you mean by that..." Said Peter

" Well Mei Thinks it's a better idea to add some new updates on your web shooters" Said Midoryia and Peter sighed, " Let's hope it doesn't blow up like all of her Inventions" Said Peter.

Mina looks around " Wait where is Bakugou and Uraraka?" Questioned Mina, " They went to buy some Ointment for Peter's Eye" Said Todoroki 

~With Bakugou and Uraraka~

Bakugou and Uraraka walked out of a Pharmacy with Ointment and Other stuff, Bakugou is Carrying the bag and Ochako is eating a little box of Panda shaped Cookies while they are both walking.

" Stupid Pharmacist, They had to take that long to find a Perfect ointment for Bug boy's stupid eye" Said Bakugou, " He was just looking for the best kind, maybe that was the last jar" Said Uraraka as she munches on the Panda Cookies.

" Bug boy got himself into this mess by Sneaking out and Fighting the Silver douche, That was a Lesson for him" Said Bakugou and Uraraka looked at him with a Upset look, " Peter could of lost his life if it wasn't for All Might saving him just in time" Said Uraraka

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