Ch. 14

308 6 15

Thursday 16, 2020

It is Night time, And as Class 1-A are hanging out, Deadpool Sneaks in their lawn as he pulls out the Dart gun, Deadpool then thinks on who he should Put to sleep, He looks around and sees a tree, He started to climb the tree and he get's on a Branch and he quickly wraps his arms and legs on the branch as he can see a window.

" Perfect! Lop413, You better not make me fuck this up kiddo, I don't want to lose that Yen" Says Deadpool as he waits to see who is the Victim.

As Deadpool is Waiting, Midoryia and peter are in Midoryia's room, Midoryia is Gripping his Hand Gripper as he is looking down, Peter is Sitting on the floor as he is Remembering the Battle that Midoryia,Bakugou, Deadpool, And Himself had against Silver Samurai.

Peter then Gets up, " What should we do Midroyia?...What do you think Silver Samurai Stoled from that truck?" Said Peter and Midoryia rubs his chin as he thinks, " hm...The Truck that was being attacked looked like a Delivery truck, Maybe whatever was inside of that case, Must Be very Important" Said Midoryia.

" But what tho?" Said Peter as he places his hand on Midoryia's Desk, " Can It be Money? Can it be a Special Weapon? Cab it be some Codes?" Said Peter and Midoryia Shrugged.

" Whatever it is, he might need it for something, But we don't know what" Said Midoryia as His door started to Knock and Midoryia walked to his door and Opened it and he sees Tokoyami and Sato.

" Midoryia, Peter, We need you two downstairs asap" Said Tokoyami, " Sure, But what for? Is it something serious?" Said Midoryia

" Yea, We are discussing about the Summer Fest man, It's in like two weeks" Said Sato and Peter Eyes widen, " Are you serious!? That quick!?" Shouted Peter and Sato and Tokoyami nodded.

" Crud!" Peter said as he runs downstairs and The other three followed him as well, Back with Deadpool, Deadpool is just slouching on the branch waiting on the victim, He started to talk to the readers.

" So My Fellow readers, Answer these questions, What was the Saddest moments you ever saw in your childhood cartoons?" Questioned Deadpool to who ever reads this, " I know My saddest Moment I ever saw, was when Ash ketchum from Pokemon, Leaves all of the well known girls, Not Gonna lie May maple is lowkey the Best girl, I ship her with Ash, it's sad that we never see them again" Said Deadpool as he sees someone entering the room, Deadpool quickly get's the Dart gun and Aims, The one who Enters is Momo as she takes out a Notebook, Deadpool is close to pull the trigger but he then thinks of something.

" If I hit Momo...I have a feeling Peter would Not forgive me....but is it worth it?...Fuck yea! I need that Money I'm Poor as hell!...but yet I am gonna destroy my Friendship with Peter tho..." Said Deadpool as he Aims at Momo slowly but he started to shake as he is starting to regret it " S-Sorry Momo..." Said Deadpool but then he hears uraraka's Voice and Tsuyu voice as well.

" Deadpool is that you?" Said Tsuyu and Deadpool eyes widen and turns around to them and the branch snaps making Deadpool fall off the tree and he hits the ground and groans in pain, Uraraka and Tsuyu runs to him with bags on their hands as they look at him.

" Deadpool, What where you doing in the tree?" Said Uraraka as she looks at the broken branch, " Um..." Deadpool stuttered as he gets up " Security....." Said Deadpool awkwardly 

" Security? Did peter made you as a security?" Said Tsuyu and Deadpool Nodded and Uraraka spots the Dart gun on his hand, " Um...What is that Deadpool?" Said Uraraka as she points at his hand with the Dart gun and Deadpool shrieks and Hides it.

" it' gun" Said Deadpool and Tsuyu tilted her head with her finger placed on her chin " Why are you aiming the gun at Momo's window? Are you trying to hurt her or something!?" Said Tsuyu in a frustrated tone  and Deadpool Shaked his head No fast .

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