"L/N?" It was Midoriya.


"Are you done training? Do you have a sec?"


"So, uhm, Iida-kun, he's leaving for the weekend..."

"I know."

"How are the two of you? You've been avoiding him all day..."

"We're fine, and I haven't been avoiding him... We just haven't had any chance encounters yet."

"He seems a bit bummed out, maybe you could talk to him?"

"I'm not responsible for helping him through his emotions, if you want someone to talk to him, do it yourself."




L/N seems off.

Not his usual 'FUCK IIDA LIVES' off, but he's hiding something.

I don't know if I should leave him be, or ask him.

He'll probably make something up to hide it.

So it's no use.

Still, he's my friend.



"Are you okay? Like are you hiding something? Does it have to do with where you're going tonight?"

"Broccoli, let's get one thing straight: I'm only here as a form of community service, so don't get too close," He engulfed one of his hands in flames. "Or something bad might happen."

Then he walked away.

I chased after him, "L/N! I am your friend! If something is up, you should at least tell me more than a threat! Obviously you're in trouble or something, so please, at least tell me if you can handle it!"

He chuckled, then I saw his irises move so that he was glaring at me out of the corner of his eye. "I can handle anything, now please," His words were laced with venom. "Don't get attached. You can tell Four-Eyes that, too."

"H-huh?" He's back to calling Iida 'Four-Eyes'?

"I don't like obnoxious people. So go away before something happens that I'll regret."

"I'll go for now, but just remember that we care about you." I walked away.

Ever since he kissed Iida, I noticed L/N seemed conflicted. Like he didn't know who he was. He's probably going through something that has to do with choosing a side. Yes, he should choose whatever feels best, but I'd love it if he were to stay with us. L/N would make an amazing hero, he has great ideals, he just didn't have the right upbringing.

I heard a thud behind me.

L/N had collapsed.

I ran over. He was out cold. He was burning up.

I took him to the infirmary.


"Midoriya, L/N will be alright. He's just been undergoing an enormous amount of stress. We'll be able to get him the help he needs. No need to worry any further."

"Did he wake up?"

"Yes, would you like to see him?"

"Yes, thank you, ma'am."


"What time is it?" He asked me.

"It's 7:47. Is your head okay?" He was out for 3 hours.

"I'm fine. I need to get ready for the party." When he got out of the bed, he both stood, and walked, as if none of this had happened.

I remembered what he said: I can handle anything.

Maybe he can handle anything...

We walked back to the dorms in silence. He walked slightly ahead of me.

"L/N! Midoriya! Where have you two been? We were worried!" Yaoyorozu opened the door for us.

"We were studying sorry, I forgot to tell you guys!" L/N laughed it off, as if he hadn't collapsed. He's an amazing liar. "That loser fell asleep in the middle of it, so I ditched him. Did you know the cafeteria hands out leftovers sometimes?"

"Oh! That makes sense! Anyways, you and Iida are on dinner duty tonight, and we wanted to eat with you guys before you leave." 

L/N nodded and walked to the kitchen.


[L/N Y/N]


Tenya was waiting for me in the kitchen.

"Are you alright? You look pale."

"I'm fine, Four-Eyes. Let's hurry this up, I've got stuff to finish up before I head out."



Iida Tenya cannot count how many times he had grown fearful that Y/N would end up becoming a villain, but the number exceeds the amount of fingers and toes he has.

L/N Y/N cannot count how many times he had grown fearful that Tenya would revert to his old ways and think of Y/N as a criminal..., a monster..., a villain..., but the number exceeds the amount of fingers and toes he has.

_words; 1181

PUNK | bnhaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora