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["Tonight I'll dream, while I'm in bed

When silly thoughts go through my head
About the bugs and alphabet
And when I wake tomorrow, I'll bet
That you and I will walk together again

I can tell that we are going to be friends"]





The next day, at school, I met Y/N at the front gates. I noticed he radiated more positive energy than normal.

"Hey, Tenya." He smirked as we began walking to class.

"Why are you so cheerful today, Y/N?" I asked, a light smile on my face.

"Yesterday benefited me greatly, also I set a dumpster on fire on the way here." He explained.

"You should start doing activities that won't get you arrested." I commented.

He scoffed, "Sure, I will when Broccoli stops being a crybaby."

"You shouldn't be so rude to people."


I paused, "I will make sure Midoriya and Uraraka harass you for all three years here." I threatened. 

Y/N cursed under his breath. "Fine... But you owe me."

"Anything you'd like."

"You have to act like that Pomeranian kid for the rest of the school day." He smirked triumphantly.

"How so?"

"You have to be cocky and vulgar."

"Anything else, please." I pinched my nose bridge.

"You owe me a favor, when I ask for it, you have to follow through, no matter what."


We entered the class and a few of our classmates gasped.

"The class rep isn't early, the world is coming to an end!"

"No Kami, he and L/N were probably just making out in the bathroom or something."

"Iida and L/N sitting in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G~!"

"Shut it, losers." Y/N rolled his eyes and sat down. I did so as well.

I glanced at Y/N out of the corner of my eye. He was staring at his phone, as usual. 

Aizawa-Sensei walked in and Y/N put his phone back in his pocket.


[L/N Y/N]

A week later, those idiots were still shipping four-eyes and I.

Fucking brats.

The written exam was the other day, I don't care how I did, 'cause either way, Nezu is still gonna force me to go to this school full of delusional 'heroes'.

I never wanted to become a hero. Never. Because I knew, from a young age, that heroes don't save outcasts or criminals or villains, they don't save the kids who are hiding in the shadows unless they're pretty or some shit. Sure, they save the kids who are hiding in the shadows, but they only save them when the kid comes out of hiding. Which is shit.

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