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["I'm so ugly, that's okay, 'cause so are you

We broke our mirrors."]




[EDIT: MAY2,2021 - I am going to be rewriting the majority of the chapters starting today. I WILL also continue updating the future chapters, but chapters 1-10 will all be changed. The changes won't be public until I am finished with them, so new readers have no reason to worry.]

[EDIT: APR28,2021 - You ever get new comments on the first few chapters of your two(?) year old story n just go 'oh' and wanna delete everything? Me too.]


I was leaning against my desk, speaking to my class of brats. Well, the ones that are left. Mineta got expelled. He's scum honestly. A perverted scumbag. It's a shame some kids are like that. But whatever...

Nezu opened the door.

"Era- Aizawa, here's the new student I told you about." He smiled. There was a kid walking behind him. The kid had H/L H/C hair and tired-looking E/C eyes. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets and he had his head tilted up slightly. He wore the button-up to the uniform with his sleeves rolled up, I noticed burns and bruises on his arms. He also wore the tie to the uniform tied completely. 

He grimaced, "I'd rather be back in the detention center than this place full of preppy nerds." he muttered.

Nezu had explained to me a few months ago, that this boy, L/N Y/N, had a choice. Either he accepted Nezu's offer to go to U.A., or he spend the next 13 years in prison, which would, by the way, make it so he wouldn't be able to see the outside world again, as a minor. The kid obviously chose U.A. The good thing is, Nezu had him take a few tests and exams beforehand. Which means the only experience he missed was the USJ. He also turned in the paperwork he needed (medical evaluations, hero costume, etc.), so no extra work for me.

I turned back to my class, "Everyone, this is L/N Y/N, he's going to be Mineta's replacement."

The class cheered a bit. They probably think of Mineta the same as I do.

L/N walked over to the empty desk and sat in it, leaning back in his chair and letting one of his feet hang in the aisle.

I heard Yaoyorozu ask him to stop leaning on her desk, to which he replied with "Eat shit, Ponytail." This'll be so much fun...(sarcasm.)

"Alright class, the Sports Festival is tomorrow, is everyone ready?"

[L/N Y/N]

The rest of the class let out excited cheers. Apparently the Sports Festival is tomorrow. Great timing, huh?

I was staying in the same place I've been living for years. It's an abandoned warehouse. It's not that big actually. But it's, at the same time, pretty fucking big.

I made my way through the gates of U.A. High. 

Some brunette ran up to me. "Hey, L/N-kun! I'm Uraraka Ochako!" I recognized her from class, she sits on the other side of the room. She seems super happy-go-lucky. I hope she doesn't wanna be friends.

I continued walking.

When we were walking to the arena for the Sports Festival, her and her boy band walked up to me. Some green-haired nerd and a square with glasses. 

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