Chapter Four: Four and X

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((Swear warning? Its not much,, like one word in the story then the a/n go jjjjgjvjvbjvbjvjvhjgjgjg-))

... I'm... Out...?


I'm... Out!

I looked around the area i fell on. Nice, soft grass. I miss this. I get up and look behind me. A blue number was there. He looked dizzy, really dizzy. The little small yellow variable was helping him keep balance. Four and X. The host and co-host after announcer. X had this scarf on, i only knew him since the first and , sorta, second episodes, but i don't remember the scarf. Flower must have promoted her fashion line or something. I get up and try to explain things, but then the rest of the exitors came, in one time?! Damn Black Hole. He really must have wanted to get us out of there.

"Hnng.." Four gave out a tired sound. Does he even notice we left?

"Four? Four, are you okay?" X is trying to assure him.

X keeps looking at Four and us and then back to Four.


What? What is going on? Why are the exitors  here?! ... Is Four okay? Wait. I shouldn't be here right now. I should still be looking for my 'treasure'! But, Four is not okay right now. Hmm.. Maybe I can leave after he isn't so dizzy? Yeah. So that way not many contestants will see me and think the contest is over!

The best I'm doing right now to help him is keeping him on his feet. He's doing most of that himself now that I think about, but he is still dizzy. I'm trying to help him keep balance, I'm sort of... Holding his hand... or arm? I feel flustered a bit. That's good... Right? I'm confused though. How did the exitors get out? I'm sort of worried. Four told me a while ago he blocked off one of the doors in the exit because one of them tried escaping.

I sort of feel helpless at this point. I'm not doing much. I'm trying to help keep him up I guess, so does that count? I catch some of the exitors staring at us, why is my face heating up? I look back at Four, he's seems like he's gained his full balance. I slowly let go and he leans up more.

"Ugnh... wh... huh?"

He releases his hand off of his head and looks up towards the objects. He seems as confused as I am.

"Why are...."

Match steps toward a bit and starts to explain a bit.

"Well, um. We were sort of like, getting tired of the EXIT, ya know. And we thought it would be like, a good idea to leave since we thought it wouldn't like, harm you. I guess it did like, anyway..."

That seems like a reasonable answer to me... But I dont know about Four. He does get angry easily, which ISN'T good at all. Trust me.

"... Well... Hmn.."

I'm sort of scared of his answer. It could cause someone to get hurt, or no one gets hurt and he's actually happy. No in between.

"That sounds... Okay I guess... But you should have warned me first! We're in the middle of a contest! So just um.... I don't know go and sit somewhere..NO participating or interacting with competing contestants!"

Alright. We sort of got things under control? Time to go back underground! I leave my scarf with Four so it dont burn in the lava and I head back down again. No wonder everyone's ahead of me, I havent even been looking for my treasure!


Why would Four straight up say "you should have warned me first" that don't even sound like him bruhhhhhhh

I just

Dont know what for them to say I guess

Anyway new chapter oh gooooshhhh

This is pain I just want to animate but stoopid flipashit won't let me >:(

I was in the middle of trying to animate the Pink Elephants meme with a new part of story I MAY introduce next chapter?? Idk yet.

I will credit who gave me the idea so vv 😎

also uh- does this chapter count as **** ahem  **** 4x???-

I'm struggling to cut foam in the shape of Four,, why did I think this was a good idea-

Anyway the only objects who's design changed was X so uh here they areeeee?????

Anyway the only objects who's design changed was X so uh here they areeeee?????

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yeah anyway shit is gonna happen next chapter and I wanna say

It has to do with Gol- OK BYEEEEE

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