//10: the white violin//

Start from the beginning

"Everyone has their way of grieving, Diego. I have to admit, even I disagree with the way that he's carrying this out," Luther shook his head.

"Dad couldn't even be bothered to attend his own son's funeral, what makes you think that he cares about the rest of us," Allison stated.

"Tomorrow Dad's gonna carry on like nothing fucking happened. We just lost our brother and he's still gonna make us train and watch, after that we're gonna carry out a mission and hopefully we all don't die doing it," Diego continued.

"Oh, hey Pandora!" Klaus waved from the other side of the table. He was high, again, that much was obvious.

The mood shifted awkwardly as Pandora sat down at the table, Grace placing a plate of food in front of her.

"So, uh, Reginald has been quite a hot topic," Pandora said.

"Well, if it wasn't for Robin and Pogo, we probably wouldn't even have a memorial service," Diego started, "He probably would have put up the statue without another word then we gotta pretend nothing ever happened."

"Children," they all turned to see Pogo in the doorway, he was clutching his walking stick as he approached them, "I understand that losing Ben has had a great impact, come more impactful than others, but we must not condemn Sir Reginald for his actions at this time. His actions are not ideal, but we have to remember that we are in a state of honoring Master Ben's loss. Contention is the last thing Ben would have wanted."

"I mean, does anyone really know what Ben wants?" Klaus commented, sitting up in his seat.

"I made dessert!" Grace chimed as she started handing out bowls of vanilla ice cream with two chocolate chip cookies. Usually they would take the ice cream and put it in between the cookies to make ice cream sandwiches, but it just didn't feel right to do it.

No one had touched the food on their plates.


Pandora's quote on quote "bad feeling" grew worse the minute the house began to shake. The three occupants in Klaus's room looked up towards the ceiling simultaneously to find small cracks forming. Pandora quickly phased back into her body and pulled Klaus up to get out of the room.

Diego, Luther, Klaus and Pandora nearly collided with one another.

"Yo, what the hell is going on?" Diego asked, everyone was wondering the same thing.

Klaus squeezed Pandora's arm slightly to get her attention, "Are those explosions coming fr-"

"Vanya," Luther finished.

"Marin," Pandora's eyes widened and her body began to move away from everyone. She took off sprinting down the hallway to Vanya's chamber, completely disregarding the order to get themselves to safety outside of the house.

Pandora had one person on her mind and that was her sister.

A large thunk emitted from the wall as Pandora pushed off it rounding the corner. Everything that happened in the last five minutes came to mind.

Marin was talking to Pandora about Vanya, she wanted to go back down to the basement and help her. Pandora let her go, she let her go down to the woman who is now wreaking havoc on the old house.

She couldn't have made it to the basement, or hopefully she didn't because if she did then Vanya wouldn't explode like this, right?

Pandora finally had made it to the final stretch to the elevator, her chest rising up and down at an erratic pace as the balls of her feet hit the ground over and over again, the ache in her stomach raised by anxiety got worse the closer she got. Everything began to slow down the moment the wall beside her started to bulge and crack towards her. Pandora lifted up her arm and squeezed her eyes shut in a lousy attempt to shield herself from the incoming blast of plaster, wood and brick. The right wall in the hallway burst, causing Pandora to be pushed back into the wall and onto the floor. Pandora knew she would be dead instantly, flattened into a Pandora shaped pancake.

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