//1: we only see eachother at weddings and funerals//

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Pandora twisted the silver knob, opening the door and letting herself back into her home. She dropped her bag on a countertop before walking back to the living room. Her older sister Marin was curled up in one of the large chairs in the living room, peeping her head around the corner as Pandora stepped in.

"Did your exhibit go well?" Marin asked with genuine curiosity.

"Yeah, a good handful of non regulars showed up so that's pretty good," Pandora said, turning on the tv to the news before sitting down. "We're expecting more people coming in over the next few days," Pandora picked up some knitting needles and the blanket that she had been working on, continuing where she left off.

Marin broke the short length of silence that developed while watching the news and asked, "Are you picking up Klaus in the morning or am I?"

"I told him I would, I even called in for tomorrow..." Pandora started, however her attention was grabbed by the current news report: "Sir Reginald Hargreeves has been found dead in his home...."

Pandora gasped, setting down her needles and placing her hands over her mouth, "Oh my god." Marin too was now glued to the tv screen ahead of them, not nearly as affected as her younger sister.

"My god," Marin commented, "I thought the old man would never drop dead."



Pandora stepped up onto the stairs of the Umbrella Academy, her mother holding her hand tightly in one hand and Marin in the other. Robin let go of Pandora's hand just for a moment to knock on the doors of the academy, grabbing Pandora's hand yet again after.

"Momma, why are we here?" Pandora asked, looking up at her mom.

"Because sweetie, we gotta meet our neighbors, that what's what we do what you move somewhere new," Robin explained. "Besides, there someone here that can help you Pandora."

In that moment, the door of the academy opened, and they were met by a blonde woman wearing an apron, "Are you here to see Sir Reginald?" The woman asked.

"Yes, we are," Robin nodded.

The woman smiled then opened the door wider for them to enter, "Sir Reginald is in his office at the moment, I will take you up to meet him. Do you want me to introduce them to the other children?" The woman asked

"Of course, Marin and Pandora will love to meet them." Robin nodded.

"Great, my name is Grace," The woman smiled yet again, "The children are in their study at the moment, but they will love to meet someone new. Follow me please," They followed Grace down several hallways, eventually coming upon a collection of bedrooms.

"This here, is Vanya, or Number Seven," Grace introduced. "Vanya, meet Pandora and Marin," The girl that was standing in that particular bedroom gave a short wave before looking back down at her books.

"They have numbers for names?" Robin asked.

"Sir Reginald gave them numbers, I gave them names," Grace smiled, "Now, here in this next room is Diego, or Number Two," They went around, introducing themselves to everyone. Luther, Number One. Allison, Number Three. Klaus, Number Four. Five, Number Five. Then finally Ben, Number Six.

"If you want to now, I can take you up to Sir Reginald," Grace said.

"Of course." Robin nodded, then let go of Pandora and Marin's hands, "I'll be done before you know it. If you need anything, just come and get me. I love you two." She kissed them both on the top of their heads, then followed Grace up the stairs.

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