who's back?

21 1 0

I'm now in my room chilling.

It's Saturday, so no school.

I'm just lying on my bed contemplating things.

I smiled as I remembered the scene from the rooftop last week.

I felt my cheeks hurt as I smiled a little too wide.

I turned to my side and hugged the closest pillow I can reach to burry my face into it.

I like him too much.

After I calmed down, I reached my phone and opened my contacts.

I clicked on his name and thought of something to say.

To Kook:

Hey... I was wondering if|

No too boring.

To: Kook

Hey!! I would like to say that I've like you for a while now and that I'm too scared to tell you becau|

What's wrong with me?

To: Kook

Hey :)

That would do it.

I sighed as I closed my phone.

As I was about to get up, I heard a 'ding' from my phone.

As soon as I saw the notification, I smiled very wide that I almost screamed.

I hurriedly clicked on the notification and sat up as I read the message.

Even though the message isn't from who I expected it to be, I'm still as equally as excited.

From: Jessipoop🦠

Hey babe I'm back <3

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