Chapter 20: Son And Friend / Accidents.

Start from the beginning

It was silent for a few minutes until Raven decided to speak.

"I know you miss him." Raven said softly, looking at the boy beside her.

Damian cocked an eyebrow in reply to his girlfriend

"Jon" She clarified. His name caused Damian to look down to the table.

"Well yeah, I do miss that annoying son of Kent." He admitted. "I miss him too." She said.

"It's just he-" He couldn't continue. It was just painful, but it needed to be said.

"He was a friend." He continued voice accompanied with sorrow. "Yeah, he was." Raven replied.

"Well think about it this way, saving the world he loved can be our gift to him." She said. "That's why we can't fail." He said, voice filled with confidence and determination.

"We won't fail." She reassured him, he nodded. They just both sat there recalling their memories with the boy of steel.

THE NEXT DAY..........

Diana slowly woke up from her slumber her eyes adjusting to the light of the sun from the window.

When she was fully awake and ready she

The half cyborg looked down to see herself fully naked.
Then suddenly she felt moving beside her, she looked to her left to reveal a naked kryptonian.



Bruce called a meeting for final instructions about the mission at hand.

Everyone was there except the man of steel and the princess of Themyscirra.

When they arrived the air turned awkward real quick. They didn't speak to each other. Everyone just watched as the two reached their seats.

"What happened to you two?" Barry asked with a smirk.

"Oh come on Allen, obviously they had sex." Damian chimed in. This caused the late heroes to blush crimson red.

"Damian!" Both Bruce and Raven scolded the ex assassin.

"What?" Damian asked with a raised eyebrow, he didn't know what he did wrong.

You don't do that, Damian.

Raven scolded him in their link. It took him a moment to find out what's wrong but he understood afterwards.

"I apologize for that sentiment." He said looking to both Clark and Diana who didn't reply anything.

Batman decided to start the meeting to ease the tension.

"I have checked every detail of the plan, we are good to go." Batman said.

"Good, then let's go." Clark said standing up and facing the crowd. All attention went to the man of steel.

"We owe this to the people who couldn't be here today and to the people of the world. We will NOT fail them, we can do this. Let's do this Justice League!" Clark said, voice filled with confidence.

They all nodded, all determined and all ready.

"We leave tomorrow." The kryptonian said facing the Bat.

Batman nodded then looked back to the team. "Get a good night rest gang." He said before leaving.

They all stood up and left one by one.

Once Damian and Raven were alone, Raven grabbed his arm causing Damian to turn to her confused.

Her face was mixed with playfulness and excitement.

"They had sex!!" Raven said happily. These words cause Damian to be really confused.

"Why does that make you happy, Raven?" He asked,

" know..............I really don't know." Raven said, her happy tome dying down.

"You don't know?" Damian asked still confused.

It took a moment for Raven to realize what happened.

"I think because I'm an empath I can sense their emotions." She pointed out.

"Whose emotions?" He asked.

"I think Clark's or Diana's." She said.

"So they both enjoyed their night but they're too awkward to admit it?" He asked again.

"Well probably they are good friends." She said.

"Yeah, probably." He replied again. "Let's get some rest beloved." He said leading her out of the meeting room and to their room. "Yeah we should rest, although I'm nervous for the mission." She admitted.

"We can do this my love, just have belief made in absence of data." He said.

Once they got to their room they went in and took a shower TOGETHER then fell asleep.

They all needed the rest for the coming mission the next day.

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter.


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